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ExO Model
An Organization that embraces these exponential attributes will see powerful outcomes – greater customer responsiveness, higher employee and partner engagement, and better financial performance in terms of revenues, profitability, return on capital, and higher levels of resilience and impact.
Making a difference by implementing the key ExO Attributes. The MTP reflects an organization’s aspiration—the core purpose of its existence. It describes the change in the world that the organization wants to achieve.
A group of five attributes focused on connecting and keeping abundance.
Tap Global Talent for Exponential Growth.
The Engine of Exponential Growth.
Leveraging Data for Exponential Growth.
Why Own When You Can Leverage?
Make Exponential Growth Stick.
Understand the ExO Model
Be Mentored live by International Coaches
Identify Your 10x Growth Potential
Harness the Power of the ExO Canvas and other tools
Access a Dedicated Q&A Space
A group of five attributes focused on managing abundance to grow.
Removing Limits to Exponential Growth.
Steer your ExO RocketShip.
Exponential Learning.
Self-Directed Teams for Exponential Growth.
10x Collaboration.