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OpenExO, Inc. is a Professional Services community focused on innovation and digital transformation, based on the ExO Model shared in the book Exponential Organizations. The ExO Model is expressed in the Formula MTP+SCALE+IDEAS.
Discover OpenExO’s presence in various events, conferences, and media platforms. Stay updated with our latest appearances as we share insights, expertise, and thought leadership in the industry.

Impact Theory
AI Reset: “Life As We Know It Will Be Gone In 5 Years” – Upcoming Utopia vs Dystopia | Salim Ismail
Coming Soon

Companies need to be looking at A.I. as massively disruptive idea, says XPRIZE’s Peter Diamandis

Peter H. Diamandis
Bitcoin Surge, AI Job Loss, & 2024 AGI Predictions w/ Salim Ismail | EP #89

The James Altucher Show
Discover the Techniques Behind the World’s Fastest-Growing Companies

Selling with Love
How to Think Exponentially and Solve the World’s Biggest Problems with Salim Ismail

Peter H. Diamandis
First Neuralink Implanted & Where Other Tech Giants Are Headed w/ Salim Ismail | EP #85

Peter H. Diamandis
AI Deep Fakes, AGI, Sam Altman & the Latest in Tech w/ Salim Ismail | EP #84

Peter H. Diamandis
How AI Will Change Business Forever With Salim Ismail | EP #46 Moonshots and Mindsets

Botswana Television
New Exponential Business Model in Line with Vision 2023

Press Releases
Discover the latest announcements, updates, and news from OpenExO. Our press releases provide valuable insights into our initiatives, partnerships, and innovations in the world of exponential organizations.
EIN Presswire
OpenExO Unveils the ExO Pro Foundations Course: A New Paradigm for Exponential Growth
EIN Presswire
Descubre el Futuro: Lanzamiento de un Curso Integral sobre Tecnologías Exponenciales en Español
EIN Presswire
Discover the Future: Launch of a Comprehensive Video Course on Exponential Technologies
EIN Presswire
Introducing the Exponential Executive Program: Transforming Leadership for the Future
EIN Presswire
New Report Explores Ten Critical Shifts and Recommends Nine Transformation Initiatives to Shape the Future of Insurance
EIN Presswire
A New way to write books, with a community and AI. This is how we wrote Exponential Organizations.
EIN Presswire
OpenExO Lidera Aprendizaje Exponencial con el Programa ExO Foundations doblado al español por la IA
EIN Presswire
Platform for Global Impact with 3-Year Premium Access Option and ‘Buy One, Give One’ Opportunity
EIN Presswire
Amplifying the Voices of the OpenExO Community: ExO Insight Surpasses 80 Authors and 400 Articles Milestone
EIN Presswire
OpenExO Launches the August Focus on the ExO Foundations Certification Program
EIN Presswire
OpenExO to Showcase Exponential Thinking at the Festival of Consciousness in Barcelona
EIN Presswire
Renowned Author of Exponential Organizations, Salim Ismail Visits Botswana to Ignite Exponential Growth and Innovation
EIN Presswire
Announcing the OpenExO Experience | Nurturing Exponential Mindsets Through Engagement
Healthcare Finance News
Q&A with Salim Ismail: Accelerating change for a new breed of business
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