ExO Community Case Studies

In July 2021, the ExO Transformation Awards launched with enormous success. Applicant’s, part of the OpenExO community, shared how implementing the ExO Attributes revolutionized their businesses. Here are their success stories.

New Company ExO Award

< 3 years old at the time of the application.
For a company that used ExO attributes to launch its business

ExO Implementation Award

For a company that implemented the ExO attributes to enhance its current business model or create new growth opportunities

ExO Consulting Award

For consulting-style projects/engagements that benefited from the ExO framework

ExO Sprint Award

For successful implementation of the ExO Sprint methodology for a client organization

ExO Workshop/ExO Training programme Award

For training and learning interventions using the ExO framework and associated tools

Open Category

Would you like to apply with an ExO project that doesn’t fit into any of the categories listed here? Please apply below

The ExO Awards Applicants

Thank you to all the applicants who entered and to everyone that voted for the 2021 ExO Transformation awards.

Become an Exponential Organization

  • Understand the ExO Model

  • Be Mentored live by International Coaches 

  • Identify Your 10x Growth Potential

  • Harness the Power of the ExO Canvas and other tools

  • Access a Dedicated Q&A Space

New Company ExO Award

< 3 years old at the time of the application. For a company that used ExO attributes to launch its business.

ExO Implementation Award

For a company that implemented the ExO attributes to enhance its current business model or create new growth opportunities.

ExO Consulting Award

For consulting-style projects/engagements that benefited from the ExO framework.

We asked 6 applicants what difference their intervention made to their clients.

ExO Sprint Award

For successful implementation of the ExO Sprint methodology for a client organization.

We asked 4 applicants what difference their intervention made to their clients.

ExO Workshop/ExO Training programme Award

For training and learning interventions using the ExO framework and associated tools.

We asked 10 applicants what difference their intervention made to their clients.

Open Category

A ExO Category Created by the Community.

We asked 9 applicants to tell us about the company or the project they are working on:


Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • Ploosi is a platform to democratize business management knowledge. We use ExO Model to disrupt the management consulting industry, offering easier, quicker, and cheaper ways to access knowledge, experience, connections, solutions related to technology, human resources, marketing, finance, procurement, logistics, etc.
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

We are using several attributes:

  1. Staff on demand. We as a company just have two employees and use external contractors to do almost everything, from software development to administrative tasks and bookkeeping.
  2. Community & crowd. We have been working in a community for a couple of years and right now have 1600+ management professionals in our platform exchanging their intellectual assets.
  3. Leveraged assets. We have our platform hosted in the cloud, using services from Azure + AWS. On top of that, we use our community to create and curate the assets found within our platform.
  4. Engagement. Our platform includes a loyalty program where members gain points doing specific tasks. Those points can be used later to acquire assets or services both inside and outside the platform.
  5. Interfaces. Our architecture is based on Apification principles because our idea is to open our services to third parties who will be able to connect to increase our value proposition to our customers.
  6. Experimentation. We're trying new services and products all the time to identify how we can create more value for our customers. We use a lean startup-based methodology to do the experiments in a couple of weeks.
  7. Social technologies. Given the way we have structured our organization, we use several collaboration tools (mainly MS suite, Azure DevOps + Microsoft 365) to orchestrate our daily work.
What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  • Maybe the most important impact we have had so far is to do a feasible business because of the attributes. Using "traditional" approaches would be almost impossible to achieve what we are looking for.
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  • Using the ExO Model has implied a 60% reduction of operational costs compared to other models using traditional approaches.

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Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • BODYTUNE uses advanved audio sensors that measure the flow of the carotid arteries (auscultation) and other “events” (like COUGHING, SWALLOWING, REFLUX, Heart Beat) to create a personal sound profile. For that more than 500 features are extracted and categorized. The device allows to biometrically identify a person based on these characteristics … which also means that if something changes in this individual profile it is detected and can be highlighted. Is the change in the coughing coming from a COVID infection or rather from a normal flue … and is the detected increase in heart beat an additional indication … maybe when the blood flow of the carotid artery is increased indicating a decrease in artery profile? We are using the ExO attributes STAFF ON DEMAND, LEVERAGE ASSETS, EXPERIMENTATION, CROWD&COMMUNITY, ALGORITHM, and ENGAGEMENT for our MTP “BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HEALTH”. The ExO community was and is involved already and we plan to use the EXOS token to create and foster a community of HEALTH AFFINIADOS. This device and the platform that we are creating could be leading to PREVENTION ABUNDANCE and to democratisation of health.
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

We are using several attributes:

  1. ALGORITHM: machine learning algorithm for segmentation of audio information and feature extraction for biomentric characterization.
  2. LEVERAGED ASSETS: research grants (financial), independent research organisations with their environment and assets, manufacturing and regulatory partners. Medical institutions for clinical trials.
  3. STAFF ON DEMAND: many students (Master Thesis) for software and hardware development, PhD students for conceptual work and data engineering, regulatory experts.
  4. CROWD & COMMUNITY: everyone is a potential user. First use will be the general public interested in helping to co-develop a device and procedure by donating time and data. Includes gamification and EXOS exchange.
  5. EXPERIMENTATION: continuous patient experiments as well as a short development cycle with clear metrics. Different locations (US, CHILE, GERMANY) that work independently.
  6. DASHBOARDS: number of patients, number and quality of data sets, features extracted and used.
What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  • We used the ExO framework as a base model from the begin of the project on. The students and key staff involved all went through lectures covering innovation generation using the ExO methodology (in combination with other agile and lean models dedicated to healthcare innovation). Especially the focus on creating a CROWD & COMMUNITY in combinatiom with AUTONOMY and EXPERIMENTATION were not only stimulating but also essential for the ultimate result.
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  • As we are not having a commercial product yet we measure the success in relation to number of independent research groups that work on it now (5 from originally 1), speed and number of patient date sets acquired (in the last 6 month we added over 1.000 data sets), iterations of the initial device and sensor approaches (6 working prototypes in the last 12 month), grant applications international (3 in the last 12 month totalling $ 1.5 Mio), creation of a clinical support base (grew exponentially from 1 to over 20 in just 3 month), number of possible clinical applications (from 1 to 6 in the last 4 month.

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Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • BookSpine is an online marketplace that helps bookworms buy and sell books easily through an interface that provides a digital experience similar to physical bookstores - allowing them to browse and upload thousands of books within minutes. If you're a true bookworm, you know what it's like shopping for books offline. You go inside bookstores for the sheer joy of it, sometimes with no particular book in mind. You scan thousands of books in their stacks and shelves, run your fingers through the spines, and take a peek at their insides. After a few minutes of happy browsing, you decide which books to bring home to your own bookshelf. The problem with the current experience is that buying physical books online only works if you already know the specific book you're looking for. For bookworms who want to browse and discover new books, this is not ideal. The experience is similar for physical book sellers. They have thousands of books in their shelves, and uploading inventory takes days, even weeks. In today's world, the ability to digitize is a necessity. Without an online presence, reach and sales are limited. With BookSpine, we bring thousands of books from different communities at your fingertips. Our platform makes selling books easier for our partners. Whether you are familiar with online selling or not, you can easily sell your books with BookSpine. Because of this, we are able to partner with hundreds of book sellers from different localities - providing a massive selection of available books to consumers. - Physical Bookstore Experience, but Online - We provide a unique browsing experience that allows users to scan thousands of books in shelves and stacks within minutes. They can enjoyably discover the right books for them. - Personalized Experience - Users can upload photos of their bookshelves to get a customized browsing experience based on their profile.
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

When we started BookSpine during the pandemic in 2020 - this is the question we wanted to answer: "How can we make thousands of books available to thousand of people nationwide without investing a lot of capital?"

And the answer lied in ExO concepts.

Our massive transformative purpose revolves around the following:

Knowledge Equity: To ensure that all books - sources of written knowledge - in the world are accessible to the people who need them.

Sustainable Livelihood: To provide equitable income opportunities by helping people earn from selling books sustainably.

We then applied the principles of ExO to how we built our company from the ground up:

  • INTERFACES - We are still improving our website interface but in the back-end, we ensure an easy process for sellers to upload their inventories of books with us. We put User Experience at the forefront of what we do, and we regularly conduct usability tests and UX/UI audits.
  • DASHBOARDS - We have come up with a weekly progress tracker wherein we see our data semi-real-time. We're still small so we haven't invested in advanced technology yet that will allow us to gather all of our data and view real-time. But we have created an internal system wherein our key metrics are updated weekly, and we can analyze how good or bad we've done in the past weeks.
  • EXPERIMENTATION - As a startup, experimentation is a core principle we follow in everything we do. We follow a process similar to The Lean Startup - Ideate, Execute, Test and Validate. We have been testing not just our product, but also our protocols for our partner sellers and customers.
  • AUTONOMY - We are a small company with only 8 core team members and some interns, and each core team member is considered the leader of their department. Even our interns have some level of autonomy. Every quarter, we set a planning session where we diverge then converge. Divergence is when the whole team provides ideas to each department on what key metrics and activities to implement for the quarter. Convergence is when the leaders decide on what to include in their plans for the quarter. The management approves the goals if they contribute to the main company goal, and then the team members proceed to implement it as they deem fit.
  • SOCIAL - Our company uses a lot of tools that allow us to work 100% remotely. We use Slack, Airtable, Slite, Zoom, and Google as our main tools.
  • STAFF-ON-DEMAND and LEVERAGED ASSETS - BookSpine as a company doesn't hire sellers, doesn't buy books, doesn't hold inventory, and hasn't bought or rented any warehouses. We partner strategically with sellers who provide the virtual inventory of books we sell on the website. Our partner sellers handle the actual physical products, and BookSpine just helps facilitate the online transactions for them.
  • COMMUNITY & CROWD - We have been engaging with influencers in our industry, who have their own communities. We also have started building our own community of book lovers through social media groups. In the long-term, our plan is to make this community a core part of our product.
  • ALGORITHMS - We have started preparing to scale even though we are still small. We have automated more than 50% of our process in terms of handling orders and onboarding partner sellers.
  • ENGAGEMENT - We have implemented a rewards system where users get points for every purchase or action made. These points can be redeemed for discounts.
What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  • The team has gotten more confidence to bring out their ideas - and these ideas lead to solutions. We have gotten a lot of sellers and buyers who rave about the experience and share about us in their communities.
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  1. Implemented the changes one-by-one, our revenue has been increasing 100% week-on-week.
  2. Cost reduction - Through automation and digital tools, we removed the cost of office space, utilities, and additional manpower from our operting expenses.
  3. Number of new successful projects and initiatives launched - We launched our marketplace platform in October 2020 and launched another product (BookSurprise) in April 2021.

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Planet Pilots

Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • We are very excited to introduce you to the Massive Transformative Purpose of Planet Pilots: 'A Healthy Planet Managed by Empowered Kids'. Instead of teachers educating students, Planet Pilots are kids supporting each other on a journey of self-discovery and bettering their world. All children should have the right to be empowered and Planet Pilots work hard to make it affordable to any household by building this global, virtual Empowerment Hub on ExO Attributes. This is an initiative coming out of the 2020 Educatefor.Life Sprint (a community version of the ExO Sprint).
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
  • Most reference sources suggest there are between 1.9 and 2.2bn children on Planet Earth. Being on a mission to empower every child requires ability to reach abundance and also manage abundance.
  • The founding core team members have never met in person, lives in different continents and represents a great degree of diversity. What the team has in common is a strong attraction to the MTP and training in the ExO Methodologies (and most are parents). A core team is not enough to accomplish a giant, inter-generational mission. It takes an ecosystem of autonomous teams to experiment, learn and implement empowering initiatives across the world. Some within schools/other institutions, where children are generally following an instruction-based regime. Other private groups are initiated by parents who express a strong need and desire to see their children connecting with intrinsic motivation and joy of life as opposed to a growing trend of the opposite. At home or at school, the need for true empowerment of children has never been more needed and urgent. The MTP has become the "North-star", that guides you whether you live an 80% school, 20% empowerment life or the opposite or any other combination that defines the limitations and conditions you must operate under to meet legislation, educational requirements and other society norms.
  • The Planet Pilots Empowerment Hub is a platform that offers Interfaces allowing schools, application developers and each Child by themselves to access Empowerment Tracking & Recommendation API's as well as join virtual, real-time collaboration between Planet Pilots through web/mobile and soon in VR. Dashboards allow every Planet Pilot to set their own personal goals and track own accomplishments towards these goals -in a token & blockchain-based approach that give Planet Pilots full ownership and control of sharing of own accomplishments (as opposed to centralized issuing of school diplomas and certificates). The business model as well as everything from development of Measurable Positive Impact KPI's, communication interfaces and social codes of conduct is all developed through defined and systematic experimentation, always including Planet Pilots in the actual work.
  • Planet Pilots, their parents, educators and others could not collaborate across 24 time zones without social technologies. Initially, platforms such as Discord and Mighty Network has been used until the 3rd gen Empowerment Hub is expected completed and implemented by end of 2021 for communication, collaboration and more.
  • The Community Attribute is the center of gravity along with the MTP as the Planet Pilots model build on a mentoring flywheel, where your empowerment is supported by a relevant fellow human, who may just be few years ahead of you in their own personal growth -but who is strongly connected to your personal empowerment journey. Staff-on-Demand is an ExO Attribute actively leveraged in the consulting and mentoring of educator teams who have decided to focus (more) on empowering their students. Core team members and the extended network of Empowerment Advisors are deployed as consultants in an on-demand model.
  • An Empowerment Hub is fully virtual but can be implemented in existing learning- & living environments, making schools, public learning venues and private homes preferred Leveraged Assets.
  • When everything is powered by the intrinsic motivation of the children, a highly gamified experience helps new Pilots who are not yeat connected to their dreams and self-selected problems to solve, to fun and empowering experiences in their onboarding process. The world's most powerful gamification frameworks are used in the design and development of the Planet Pilot Empowerment Hub and in every single touchpoint and experience every Child, parent, and education will ever have with Planet Pilots.
  • The ExO Attributes are implemented at full scale and new and even more impactful ways of leveraging each attribute continue to see the light of day.
What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  • Let us refer to this short video, where Planet Pilots express the qualitative impact they experience (which is enabled by the ExO model): https://youtu.be/r-lehUcNXM0 . In the context of parenting, we as parents generally feel fear of loosing control of the individual, educational journey our kids are each on.
  • However part of empowering a child involves letting go of the feeling and need of control. With Planet Pilots, we now have a framework and every day examples playing out live in front of all the parents that show how safe it really is to allow your child to do what they love doing -and that there is this new alternative to education for those who are looking for that. Parents all go through a mindset change in the first 30-60 days of their child joining Planet Pilots, where they become ready to "let go" and start embracing the most relevant ways for them to focus on empowerment rather than instructions and external requirements.
  • The ExO Model is also consistently part of the decision making framework used when making implementation decisions once experiments are completed and reviewed to make sure no costly scarcity components are being built into the business model (which is an easy mistake to make, both for core team and the external autonomous teams).
  • The ExO Core vs Edge organizational model has made it possible to establish a close collaboration also with other organizations around the world who are now leveraging Planet Pilots while still remaining on their own mission and not compromising on own KPI's.
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  • The fixed monthly cost of the operating model has been less than $800 for a year at this point in time, all other cost being variable and linked to chargeable deliverables. The model is ready for adding the next 2,000 Planet Pilots, who are confirmed by a school in Colombia to be onboarded in July 2021.
  • This would not have been possible without the ExO Model. Each Pilot will before end of year start working on personal passion project(s) that is linked to their dreams and many of these are also linked to one or more SDG's.
  • Pilots are experiencing the power of networking every week in global Planet Pilot Hangouts, where high-school students from Open Coffee are guiding the Pilots to understand the importance of networking and how to do it better -allowing them to connect with other Planet Pilots who are interested in joining their project teams (if they do not create their own).
  • This will generate 2,000 new empowerment initiatives in 2021. One of them is presented by Mimansh, a Planet Pilot living in India, at the Future of Learning for Kids event by OpenExO.

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Boston ExO

Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • BostonExO is New England’s first Exponential Organization (ExO) incubator which helps companies thrive through continuous business model innovation We leverage exponential technologies along with an abundance mindset to help organizations stay in business, disrupt their industry and achieve exponential valuation Abandon scarcity thinking and tap into the abundance of exponential technologies Our MTP is global exponential mindset transformation Our vision is to ensure companies’ sustainable growth through continuous business model innovation Our mission is to help entrepreneurs incubate ExO startups
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

Our ExO Canvas highlights the attributes that we’ve implemented:

  • Staff on Demand: Our core team members, interns, consultants and project team members are inspired by our MTP
  • Community: We collaborate and contribute with members of the OpenExO, Purpose Alliance, BostonExO, ExO and other communities
  • Algorithms: (nothing at this time)
  • Leveraged assets: We leverage several ExO and related methodologies, tools and techniques to help us execute from our business model canvas; we also rent and employ a few services
  • Engagement: To engage our community we’ve used gamification and contests; we also engage with our partners to serve our customers and provide them with digital credentials
  • Interfaces: Through our website, webinars and online workshops we interact and improve our community interactions. We also recently launched a podcast series.
  • Dashboards: We leverage OKRs, KPIs and other metrics to track our results, achieve our goals and reward & recognize team members
  • Experiments: BostonExO and BostonExO Labs runs business idea experiments for ourselves as well as our customers to minimize business risk and learn quicker
  • Autonomy: We run our core team operations based on autonomous teams, agile/scrum and holocracy
  • Social: We have a strong and consistent social media presence and leverage many apps for project management and communications
What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  • Mindset change; bold & innovative thinking; servant leadership
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  • Creation of a 3-tier ecosystem (BostonExO, BostonExO Labs; Regenerate365/ExI); revenue growth; launch of several initiatives (ExO Masterclass; webinars; Regenerate365; Exponential Individuals (ExI); brand awareness; community goodwill and support

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Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • Guilds42 is an ExO platform to democratize learning of new skills. We believe in learning by doing, so we provide free online courses for everyone (via curated content) and we offer very accessible projects for companies who want to evolve. These projects, productized consultancies, offer the perfect chance for learners to practice in a real world scenario, following precise formats and instructions that guilds provide. The work in the projects is led by 2 professionals (staff on demand).
  • Our identity reflects Renaissance Guilds, where new professions emerged and knowledge was created by the experimentation in the workshops. In the same way, we blend training and consultancy to deliver impact at scale, so that every person and company has a chance to evolve.
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

MTP: democratize the digital transition of society

  • Staff on demand: professionals / artists following the projects
  • Community: both for apprentices (who also work in projects) and for artists (who lead the projects)
  • Algoritms: we’ve some marketing automation & we’re in the process of implementing recommendation systems for the courses Leveraged assets: available curated courses
  • Engagement: we've rankings and a gamified approach to individuals growth
  • Interfaces: project formats and gantt, academy platform, rules, marketing automation, video tutorials
  • Dashboard: both for individuals (based on learning scores) & for g42 founders to drive the biz (nps, measures of stickiness along user journeys, marketing funnel, n°of certificates and projects released)
  • Experimentation: we keep running experiments on all aspects of the model. We pivoted projects from 3 months to 6 weeks, engaged apprentices of all ages, approached public institutions, corporates, SMEs and startups to compare performances, run customer dev. interviews to learn how we can improve, make tests on the marketing side
  • Autonomy: this is used and leveraged both internally, among founders and community members, and with the apprentices who work in projects following an approach like agile squads
  • Social tech: all is done digitally, we record info, share the knowledge base, connect and engage with community members using social tech
What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  • The first benefit was to think big! Then to think smart, with automation and engaging external available forces. Last but even more important, ExO mindset led us to be explicit on our purpose and values, putting people's well-being at the centre of our activities.
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  • We enabled them to explore new domains, develop real competence (for free for every participant, both external talents and internal employees) and begin a digital transformation journey at a very accessible price (2.500€ per the 6 weeks long project). The project in itself provides consultancy on the domain (what's the best direction I should take based on my actual context) and the first mile of the execution to give an idea about the what and the how (empowering companies to understand and then choose. They often decide to proceed further with the artist and team as staff-on-demand), insourcing the skills they needed to evolve.

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Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • Wilab is a startup with which we work on exo attributes and today it has been selected by the accelerator alchemist in silicon valley and is emerging as an Argentine unicorn
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
  • We started from scratch and went for 6 sprints working the mtp, attributes and exo canvas
What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  • We achieved a change of mindset that allowed them to be lighter and think about growth. showing how an exo won to go to silicon valley
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  • It's a startup and we don't have those metrics. The most important thing is that they managed to enter one of the best accelerators in the world

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Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • Voteme.app is a decision-making platform for communities and organizations
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
  • During the certification, with the help of the ExO community and consultants, we clearly defined the mission and set our goal towards starting a movement to democratize decision-making and shape the future of democracy.
  • Our main innovation is the Open Voting algorithm that is a remix of Page Rank used to organize information. With our own algorithm, we organize people. We use open-source resources and involve staff on demand instead of making expensive hires at the product-market fit stage. We use slack and document all our meetings with clients, share with the community the timeline of our startup progress.
  • We keep track of a large amount of data and user behavior in our dashboard that influence our strategy and help us prioritize the needs and maximizing the value for our customers. We experiment with Board Meetings and General Assemblies with various communities, discovering that our ideal clients are actually Industry Unions and not political parties or professional associations like we assumed at the beginning.
  • Using also social technologies, engagement, and leveraged assets we use all 11 attributes in the development of our startup.
What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  • It helped us to focus our efforts on the product that has the highest ExO Score. Helped us also reach new clients and industries that we did not consider at first.
  • The main advantage I think was the mindset change, reconfirming our commitment to investing our work in the long run trying to solve a big problem for the humanity.
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  • We have a steady growth of revenue and users, about 5% week by week, but the main growth was the iteration from a mobile app to a community platform that respond better to the needs of our customers that had the firm necessity to organize general assemblies during the time of pandemics.

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Air Traffic Awareness

Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • Air Traffic Awareness provides a patent-pending solution, S.A.G.A., enhancing Situational Awareness for General Aviation to increase in-flight safety by avoiding midair collisions.
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

MTP: Visioneering Sky Safety

  1. Staff on Demand: Apart from our in-house skill set (software), we have collaborated with other vendors to help us build our MVP (hardware).
  2. Community & Crowd: We have successfully created a community with MIT Enterprise Forum at Cambridge, and Y-Combinator by completing and getting certified through their Startup School.
  3. Leveraged Assets: As our solution can be stand-alone software as well, we have tried to leverage the hand-held mobile devices with our B2C customers to download the app. and be safe while flying.
  4. Engagement: We have incentivized the pilots to download the app. and provide feedback. The incentives include, Amazon gift cards, air fuel discount, and free one-year subscription to our solution.
  5. Interfaces: This is one of our biggest competitive advantage. Our UI/UX is simple, uncluttered and easy to read.
  6. Dashboards: We have deployed "Growth Wheel" as our primary dashboard for the cofounders to monitor vitals for the sustenance and growth.
  7. Experimentation: We are continuously experimenting with the existing solution as per our customer feedback. But the big experimentation is not in the beachhead market, we are experimenting in other market segments, like, drones, flying cars and satellite collisions.
  8. Social Technologies: Inwardly we have a robust slack and whatsapp usage to keep everyone on the same page. Outwardly, we use twitter, facebook and youtube to communicate.
What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  1. It has created a stronger bond between the core team.
  2. We are still super lean, and therefore, agile.
  3. Organic growth with zero marketing budget to date.
  4. We can track our growth in real time. 5. Quick recovery because of the small feedback loop.
  5. Aligned with rapidly changing externalities.
  6. Risk taking provides an edge and faster learning.
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  • Cost reduction: ~$100,000
  • Won Cash Awards: ~$40,000
  • Utility Patent Pending: 1 Smart /
  • Strategic Alliance: Purdue University

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Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • Rutanio transforms the creative economy and connects innovation ecosystems with opportunities. The project addresses the barriers to access international markets and little interconnection between innovators, entrepreneurs, and creators.
  • Rutanio is a transparent and straightforward means of exchange that provides direct and easier access to resources and enables frictionless peer2peer transactions. The project enables a simple, transparent, and reliable way to access the resources and capabilities of the local entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems.
  • Rutanio's Blockchain Platform and Complementary Token boost and facilitate the participation of actors within the creative economy in international economic exchanges while protecting their intellectual and creative rights with the help of blockchain technology.
  • Rutanio, an EXOS’ sister economy, initially focused on creating a digital economy to facilitate the internationalization of Medellin's innovation ecosystem utilizing the Rutanio Platform and token.
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
  • Rutanio's MTP [connects innovation ecosystems with opportunities] has enabled the Medellin entrepreneurship and innovation community to connect and reach toward other ecosystems, accelerating the international expansion of its members.
  • The COMMUNITY efforts currently focus on creating local and international partnerships and use cases, as well as mechanisms to integrate Rutanio into other ecosystems and digital currencies.
  • Rutanio provides these communities with INTERFACES to interact with each other. The Rutanio blockchain has been live since July 2019, it is a distributed ledger technology that operates on top of a cryptographic protocol and that hosts the Rutanio token. Rutanio wallets are available to receive/send RUTAS, manage a member's primary Rutanio treasury account or provide the ability to use your RUTAS to stake on the Rutanio blockchain. The Rutanio marketplace was launched in January 2020, it is a place where the Rutanio community can find innovation and creative professionals and also post services.
  • On the Rutanio DASHBOARD everyone can check live the activity of the Rutanio Full Nodes and The Rutanio Heat Map shows a worldwide distribution of Rutanio Nodes. It displays a growing economy that expands regardless of borders.
  • Rutanio empowers its communities with ALGORITHMS and AUTONOMY. Rutanio's ultimate vision is to become a distributed AUTONOMOUS organization (DAO) or a distributed AUTONOMOUS association (DAA) which is a fully self-sovereign, member-owned, digitally-native economy. Rutanio is following the approach of responsible decentralization towards their long-term goal. The Rutanio Project is committed to develop an open source ecosystem with a comprehensive governance and council structure.
  • Rutanio SOCIAL TOOLS makes sure information flows between the different SOCIAL contracts and provides INCENTIVES and ENGAGEMENT to reach Rutanio’s goals. Rutanio network is made up of a subset of nodes in the Internet, which are enabled with the required features.
  • Fluid Chains developed and accelerated Rutanio using ExO attributes and blockchain technology, allowing the creation of new economic rails and technology layers to transform or catapult innovators, entrepreneurs and creators driven by purpose into the Rutanio emerging economy.

What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
  • A COMMUNITY of + 2,000 active members passionate about transforming the creative economy, with 20 ambassadors in11 countries, and + 50 local subcommunities connected with +15 international communities.
Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
  • USE CASES: + 30 executed, 10 under execution.
  • DIGITAL WALLETS: + 1000 downloads DIGITAL
  • TOKEN: + 5% of RUTAS distributed, 37.5% planned community programs, 10% for investors, 47.5% reserved.

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Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
  • My project is Swae, a platform for turning stakeholder voice into actionable proposals and decisions for organizational innovation and improvement.
  • Swae helps organizations be radically inclusive while being selective in the ideas they choose to invest in.
  • Swae’s AI helps users turn their suggestions and feedback into well structured proposals and Swae’s combination of collective intelligence features, escalation metrics, and workflows help utilize the crowd to both help improve ideas collaboratively while filtering the signal from the noise, making innovation discovery much more efficient, meritocratic, transparent, and inclusive.
  • Organizations use Swae to hear problems they don't even know exist and unleash the creativity of their own people to solve their organizations most pressing problems so they can generate more revenues or save money and time.
  • Swae’s platform creates a safe, inclusive and anonymous space for problem and solution generation inside any organization, allowing leaders to source investable solutions, hear the truth, boost engagement, and reduce bias in important strategic decisions to improve overall performance.
  • By implementing Swae, teams, companies, and government entities benefit from greater inclusion and diversity, access to better quality ideas to select from, without making significant structural changes to how they manage the organization.
Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

Swae has implemented the following ExO Attributes in order to make Swae an exponential organization:

  • Algorithms – Swae leverages NLP algorithms to help users write better, clearer, more objective and persuasive proposals for the ideas they have. This helps them increase their chances of having their ideas heard, collaborated on by other colleagues, and potentially acted upon by leadership. We also plan to use algorithms in the future to help predict what ideas are likely to trend and gain momentum before they actually do, who future leaders might be based on their patterns of engagement, and what the sentiment of the organization may say about future attrition and retention rates.
  • Engagement – Swae leverages engagement of the crowd as a filtering function. Engagement fuels the escalation metrics and achievements of the ideas. This helps help efficiently and transparently signal which ideas deserve management attention and review which ideas still need some more work. We are working on a reputation system and additional gamification to keep users interested, involved and increasingly committed to our shared purpose.
  • Dashboards & Interfaces – Being a software startup, we massively leverage good UX/UI and dashboards to share pertinent knowledge about activity on the platform with users. Our dashboards help management and leaders get real-time information about platform activity and trends.
  • “Community & Crowd” – In the not so distant future of Swae, we intend on massively leveraging “Community & Crowd” to invite those who are passionate about our MTP to be more directly involved in the main functions of our organization.
    What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?

    The qualitative impacts show up in the results gained by clients who use Swae. Below is an example of a tangible impact resulting from a recent use case:

    Lifelabs Use Case & Example:

    • Lifelabs has been facing some challenges with Retention of existing high performers and technical staff and Attraction of new talent across all departments throughout their Canadian operations.
    • The Operations Team and Lifelabs engaged with Swae and set up pilot with 28 Managers in Operations across the country, to see if Swae’s platform and process could add value to the issue of fixing their retention and attraction issues.
    • Using Swae, we facilitated a brainstorming session to prioritize the most important problems and areas of concern and then collect as many potential solutions for addressing those concerns (improving retention and attraction) as possible.
    • One of the highest priorities was Lifelabs losing their technicians to other health authorities and healthcare providers during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Once recruited, each technician receives approximately $20,000 in training in their first 6 weeks of employment. The challenge was that after their training period was complete, other heath authorities would simply offer these technicians more money to resign and start somewhere new. Lifelabs was effectively priming the pump and building up the talent pool for their competitors to poach. Worst, they could do much to prevent this because being partly unionized, they could not offer surgical salary increases to certain staff without needing to do an entire remuneration and policy overhaul to align and ensure every band of employee was receiving proportional remuneration due to union restrictions.
    • Their only option was to try to innovate.
    • Using Swae, during the brainstorming process, one of the managers within Lifelabs Lab Operations team to suggested they consider “a Student Loan subsidy or reimbursement, whereby Lifelabs helps new students pay back their student loans by offering a subsidy or reimbursement after they remain employed for a period of up to 2 years at Lifelabs”.
    • This idea gained over 50% engagement from the cohort over the next couple of weeks. Some colleagues pointed out potential risks with this idea and overall it received an average vote of 82% from 14 managers.
    • The idea has graduated into an official management review by the COO and HR. The goal is to conduct light feasibility and stress testing of the idea, and if successful turn it into company wide policy with clearer details.
    • The estimated financial savings of this idea, once implemented is $100,000 — $200,000 savings per year (calculated as $20,000 of training costs saved per Technical Employee x 10 Technicians per year)
    • We will be closely monitoring the impact of this idea as it moves from policy to implementation to more accurately attribute the savings generated.
    • I share this case study because the focus on sourcing problems and presenting solutions helps demonstrate the ability of attributing value created right back to Swae’s platform and process, and this helps decision makers overcome the apprehensions of including people in the decision-making process.
    Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
    1. Increasing the Innovation Pipeline - sourcing investable innovation ideas
    2. Creating Revenue Growth and Cost Reduction opportunities for clients
    3. Direct causal link between positively increasing employees engagement, motivation, happiness, and retention as a consequence of having access to Swae
    4. Other intangible benefits


    Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
    • Our Massive Transformational Purpose (MTP) is Health becomes a reality!
    • For this reason, we created the first virtual therapists, aquatic and land mode, using a mixed reality lens (union between virtual and augmented), natural language processing and machine learning, to guide a digitized methodology of exercises with the highest scientific evidence, including nutritional advice and gamification when interacting with virtual objects (eating fruits, save marine animals, destroy viruses and catch legendary monsters), turning the session into a game, increasing adherence to treatment, according to objective and health condition, to rehabilitate injuries, eliminate diseases and promote healthy lifestyles, from the comfort of your home. In addition, they are integrated into a clinic with doctors and digital influencers who recommend them.
    Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
    • All of our science-based technology startup at healthtech is aligned with our Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP): Health becomes a reality!
    • Because we address a global problem, through the use of innovation, creativity and exponential technologies (Mixed Reality, Digital Humans, Machine Learning and Big data), managing a world of abundance with EXO attributes. We have a Lean culture of experimentation with data driven using dashboards (OKR) and interfaces with advanced talent distributed on demand, relying on social technologies.
    • On the other hand, our core is artificial intelligence algorithms and automated processes, which are nourished with the data and experiences of our users when using Virtual Therapists (Kaenz and Kaibaz), to improve engagement and adherence to treatment with gamification.
    • Finally, we have created Asdisal, the most relevant community in healthtech startups with 256 members from 20 Iberoamerican countries, promoting networks and collaboration synergies.
      What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
      • Since the team discovered this mindset of abundance, applying exponential technologies from the referents of Singularity University, Exponential Medicine, Exponential Organizations and ExO Community, they have inspired us to work on the great challenges of humanity in health with various ideas, innovations and creativity, which is embodied in the culture and purpose of Exponential Digital Health.
      Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
      • Regarding the metrics or KPIs, we have created an Organization with the potential to scale to different markets with a minimum of resources, by implementing ExO attributes, delivering greater value and an exquisite experience to our clients, differentiating ourselves from the competition.
      • In addition, during the last 5 years, we have received different awards: Third place at Ignite: International Conference of Startups in Silicon Valley (2018); selected as a disruptive company in the Exponential Medicine of the Singularity University (2019); Finalists of the Company Builder Transfer AP (Pacific Alliance) applying the EBELI method (Evidence Based Entrepreneurship & Lean Innovation) (2020); Health Innovation Award (2020); ExO Entrepreneur Latam (2021); "Fifty of the Most Influential Voices in Healthcare for 2021" for Medika Life and finally, generating networks and collaboration synergies, by being part of communities such as Asdisal (Healthtech Startups of Iberoamerica), Chilean Association of Immersive Experiences (ACHEI) and XR Latam.

      Watch their video


      Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
      • BillionMinds was formed to fight burnout.
      • The hard truth is that if 10 people read this paragraph, 9 are on a path to burnout. Last year, in the US alone, one hundred and twenty thousand deaths were attributed to workplace stress. And while COVID-19 may have added fuel to the fire, chronic stress in the workplace was rampant well before the pandemic. The new way of work, built for flexibility has eliminated structure and the protections it afforded - scheduled breaks, separation of work and life, clear indicators of success.
      • People are simply not equipped with the unique skills needed to thrive in the digital era. At BillionMinds, our MTP is to give a billion people the right soft skills to excel in an always on, unstructured and ambiguous work/life environment.
      Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
      • We are using MTP to communicate our big bold mission: to give a billion people the right soft skills to excel in an always on, unstructured and ambiguous work/life environment.
      • BillionMinds is lean (2 people) yet we have 2 dozen active customers and over 1700 sign-ups. We are able to scale the business with only 2 full time employees by using staff on demand resources for UX, development, marketing. We're building a community of Billionminders - brand ambassadors and evangelists that help to promote our cause and provide valuable feedback on our product.
      • At the core of our solution are algorithms that help people identify their "personal effectiveness equilibrium" and sustain it. Our scale strategy for coaching taps into the abundance of life coaches (leveraged assets) and pairs them up with our users that need help with accountability.
        What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
        • This business does not work without the successful implementation of the ExO model.
        • By implementing ExO, we have the confidence that we can truly reach and help a billion people.
        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
        • 1700 pre-release sign-ups
        • 11 affiliate coaches signed up

        Watch their video


        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
        • Launching ABBY, our new lightweight, portable smart wheelchair platform.
        • ABBY combines robotics, power-assist, cameras, sensors, full machine vision and IoT
        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
        • We have extensively used staff on-demand in our product design leveraging selected component suppliers to achieve our product vision.
        • We have relied on community and crowd exclusively to validate our product market fit and engage customers via digital campaigns to generate demand and paid pre-orders.
        • Our strategy relies upon shared leveraged assets from our use of cloud services for all core functions throughout the project and we will make extensive use of shared asset providers in our go-to-market
          What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
          • ExO model has been instrumental in our ability to achieve our R&D objectives in under 3 years for less than $1M invested whereas similar startups have taken 4-6 years and substantially more capital to reach our current stage of development
          Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
          • We have reached production readiness in record time and cost and achieved market validation including dozens of paid customer pre-orders even before our first mass production

          Watch their video


          Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
          • Alec is a construction company in Dubai and probably one of the flagship sprints that we did of all sprints. We were able to sell the sprint < 2months. Xponential managed the sprint with the help of ExO Works.
          • We used coaches from the ExO community. Preparation and coaching Alec in addition to the sprint was done by Xponential. Engagement, building trust, etc. As part of the preparation we spent about a month to find the right people for the teams.
          • We worked with a company that did the psychometric analyses (using DISC) and partly based on the insights, we were able to do the selection. Probably this was the most important part.
          • We found highly capable employees who we could allocate to Core and Edge teams. The teams were coached by carefully selected coaches and weekly f-2-f- meetings with the leadership and teams kept them engaged and motivated.
          • The results were outstanding and client was very satisfied. Across all initiatives, all attributes have been implemented.
          What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
          • Probably the best reward we could get was that during the Covid-19 pandemic, Alec organised 7 Core sprints in parallel and it took the board about 15 minutes to make the decision to do this. People who were on the original sprint detected areas of improvement, drafted a plan, presented it and worked on that immediately after approval from the board.
          • This is a mindset shift on steroids and completely due to the excellent work and trust we built during the sprint. Autonomy, engagement, leveraged assets, dashboards and social technologies were the attributes most implemented that could be tapped into during the 7 parallel sprints.
            Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
            • Initiatives leading to >$ 1 million after the 1st month of completion already, 7 new projects were started AND completed. The company is an example of turning the flywheel themselves.
            • They were quickly independent from our ecosystem.

            Watch their video


            Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

            SUEGO has leveraged

            1. MTP to hyper focus on "Accelerating Inclusive Innovation,"
            2. Staff on Demand to hire contractors to execute on critical work deliverables as required,
            3. Community & Crowd to collaborate with volunteers and stakeholders to promote and/or engage in between in-person/virtual activations,
            4. Algorithms to churn out insights form the data being collected for more informed decision-making,
            5. Leveraged Assets around third-party startup programs and IP-shared resources to reduce in-house capacity and timelines
            6. Engagement through gamification by leveraging RUTAS + EXOS to catalyze blockchain awareness and peer-to-peer value exchange,
            7. Interfaces for visualization of public collected data and insights for internal analysis,
            8. Dashboards through Google Data Studio and other cross-platform integrations to streamline tracking OKRs and outcomes,
            9. Experimentation to get use case cases and assess impact and continuity,
            10. Autonomy through OKRs and systems/processes to automate work output (newsletters, online engagement, community support, etc.), and
            11. Social Technologies to streamline internal and public communications.
            What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
            • The qualitative impact is our ability to remain nimble and create outsized impact in comparison to other more traditional Entrepreneur Support Organizations (ESOs).
            • Our team, and our staff on demand extension, are getting exposed to the ExO mindset, which can begin to plant the seed for ExO awareness through our throughput.
            • As we continue to work via programs like the #EXOMeetupsWashingtonDC and Blockchain Awake Series, more exposure both internally and externally to make waves in the long-term. Even now, the Blockchain and utility token exposure, albeit with some resistance, is reinforcing the eventual and slow-moving paradigm shift towards new technologies.
              Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
              1. Revenue growth since implementation grew $1,500.00/mo retainer,
              2. Cost reduction of $2,000/mo employee with the switch to Staff on Demand model,
              3. Number of new successful projects and initiatives grew from 3 to 20 after ExO attributes implementation,
              4. Other quantitative results include one global award for B2C Community Building (CMX Awards), and community grant awards of 135K RUTA and 3000 EXOS.

              Watch their video

              Gothong Southern Group.

              Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
              • Staff on demand- 60% of contents generation for the learning platforms (gxi.gothong.com)are contributed by the GXI champions who are representative of various business units of Gothong Southern Group.
              • Community & Crowd - various business units are members of the GXI community (GXI Connect). They have been actively involved in the sharing and collaborations through various learning mediums and forums. As an example, their GXI members from the supply chain business units shared ideas like how the property development group Gothong Southern can benefit from using 3D printing technologies for property development initiatives.
              • Algorithm - As part of the initiative for the development of the enterprise data analytics solution, machine learning, workflow, and algorithm is being used to develop the data collection.
              • Leverage Assets- a cloud-based data warehouse is not owned by the company (SAAS) and most of their platforms are open-sourced.
              • Engagements- Gamification was utilized for their learning initiatives. The badge system is part of the GXI Solutions, to encourage members and employees to participate and contribute to providing new learnings in their respective business units whereby it may also be beneficial to the other groups in addressing the same challenges if encountered and highlight possible synergy within the company. The company often uses QR codes to secure feedback and information to improve various activities and engagements.
              • Interface - (User Interface) They have GXI portal that serves as a curated open-sourced learning platform. GXI Connect is the company's enterprise social network where all employees can interact freely, contribute by sharing their ideas, collaborate and create synergies within the entire Gothong Southern Group.
              • (System Interface) They have GS Information Portal that is used as the executive dashboard for their data warehouse.
              • Dashboard - Power BI was used by the company as their preferred data analytics solution to provide management with real-time information for their decision-making processes. To ensure operational efficiency they utilize a balanced scorecard.
              • Experimentation - The company started an Edge implementation for their Supply Chain Solutions group. They are focused on the integration of various logistics activities through the digitalization of processes to ensure seamless end-to-end solutions for their customers.
              • Autonomy - The Supply Chain Solution Group uses holacracy (method of decentralized management and organizational governance) to ensure fast decision-making and empower its people to be agile to changing market demands.
              • Social Technologies - XL (Exponential Learner) Webinar series has been very well accepted by the company as a new method of learning and collaboration. The learning sessions involve external resources, market leaders, thought experts, and innovators.
              • GXI Connect is the company's social platform their internal "Facebook" to collaborate, and create better connections and synergy within the organization in spite of the challenges we face due to the current pandemic.
              What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
              • Mindset - the company initially had a closed, linear mindset when they started the initiative. There was initial resistance when the concept and framework were presented. However, they were able to move them to a growth mindset through a series of ExO related activities, deliverables, and achievements.
              • New Ideas- establishment of NEXT (New, Exponential, and Transformative) Awards to encourage employees to contribute to new growth initiatives and opportunities, innovation initiatives to improve current work or processes and services.
              • Embrace ExO Edge Concept- implementation of edge initiative for the Supply Chain Solutions Group, giving them autonomy and opportunity to provide an agile response to customers' needs and new revenue streams.
                Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                • Revenue growth - estimated within 2 months after implementation was able to generate an estimated Php10Million (about 200,000 USD @ 50Php/USD) from the new revenue stream Number of Successful projects and initiatives:
                  1. Adoptive seamless inland network
                  2. Warehousing,
                  3. Integrated logistics
                • Other quantitative results achieved- 30% of the total population of the Gothong Southern Group have embraced the ExO concept.

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                Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
                • MTP: the purpose of Impulso20 is "Increase the quality of life of people in Latin America".
                • Ecosystem: by integrating entrepreneurs and key partners in Essity´s operation to increase the creativity of the projects by giving them autonomy to protect their creativity.
                • Staff on demand: we use crowdsourcing platforms like Eyeka www.eyeka.com to generate product innovation ideas.
                • Experimentation: we are working on the implementation of Lean Startup (for the launch stage) and Design Sprint (feasibility stage) with good results in the last 2 years, the priority is to develop a prototyping mindset.
                • Engagement: We develop two brands for the innovation program Impulso20 for Open Innovation and TROYA for product innovation with R&D so that people could understand the different between the process, as a consequence people propose projects to run both processes.
                What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                • Today our President for Latin America use a word to describe our innovation strategy "GLOCAL", it means think globally act locally.
                • For us the ExO model has been a key strategic building block because it give you a road map to execute an innovation program.
                  Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                  • Revenue growth: 10%. Innovation as part of the Net Sales 15%.
                  • Number of new projects: 8 in 4 years.
                  • Cost: 60% cost reduction in the distribution of our webshop in México.
                  • 250 people trained in prototyping skills in 2 years.
                  • 1 Startup created inside the company.

                  Watch their video

                  Design Prodigy

                  Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

                  We worked to identify and hire talents with polymathic traits.

                  • We adopted a holacratic-inspired organisation structure for the company
                    • Environment wise, the following worked for us
                    • Ensuring everyone's assigned role contributes directly to the company's purpose of solving tough enterprise marketing challenges.
                    • Everyone is assigned a challenge beyond their comfort zone from day 1.
                    • No monopoly of knowledge and absolute accountability of role assigned.
                    • Company co-invests with employees to enhance their skills and network.
                    • Fast career trajectory
                  • Results
                      • A highly engaged, autonomous, and flexible knowledge workforce.  We observed a dramatic increase in speed of learning, depth of expertise, and ability to connect the dots.
                  • Good to note that for the above environment to work productively and sustainably,
                        • we employed social/collaborative technologies like Slack and Google Workspace for internal communication,
                        • We started to automate what was automate-able (e.g. using Marketo) and outsource what was outsource-able (e.g. using Upwork or work with other companies of specialist competence).
                    • As there were very few organisations in the world at that time that hire and manage polymathic talents, We started to run experiments with our internship programs to uncover effective and efficient ways to identify, recruit, and onboard polymathic talents to solve Ungoogleable Challenges.  We started inviting Marketing Leaders from Fortune 500 companies to help critique their work and we received amazing feedback.  These leaders are following our "Ungoogleable Challenge" internship ever since.
                  • This experiment played a critical role:
                    • We understood better which traits are better indicators of success in fitting into an exponential environment.
                    • We can better manage the mindset transition and time taken.
                    • We started attracting a lot of top 1-3% undergraduates. We are now seeing them converting to full-time.
                    • Some of the Fortune 500 Marketing Leaders that supported the program became our key customers.
                  What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                  • After 5 years, the most obvious qualitative impact from implementing the ExO model is our team's belief and confidence that they have a future-proof career. and they have the responsibility to be the next generation of exponential leaders.
                    Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                    • We have achieved over 100% growth in revenue within 3 years of our transformation.
                    • We gained 2 new Fortune 500 accounts in 2020 during the pandemic year.
                    • Record 7 digit Pipeline indicates a high probability of growth in coming quarters.

                    Watch their video


                    Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

                    EADA has embraced an exponential transformation in order to be the refernence institution for this Master in Exponential Organizations

                    • Rather than using their standard sales reps, they implemented staff of demand for selling the course
                    • They have embraced the OpenExO Community and agreed on having them as teachers (normally business schools push for their own teachers) 
                    • Leverage of the methodologies and tools from ExO (ExQ, ExO Canvas, etc.)
                    • Engagement: the more people join the webinar the more scholarships were given away, so it motivates people to come to the webinar but also to share the knowledge
                    • They have taking a very experimental approach. When we first announce the course, we didn't even have a syllabus in place! Many other universities have requested a complete syllabus that can be approved by the directory way in advance in order to commercialize the master. Any change will need to go through the long, tedious process again
                    • They gave me as the Director full autonomy to create the content and being radical in the learning approach (no standard lectures, schedules, time distribution, teachers’profile, etc)
                    What was the qualitiative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                    • New way of thinking. Now everyone at EADA wants to disrupt the MBA approach!
                    • Abundance mindset. Faster and leaner institution
                    • New and disruptive way of teaching and learning for students
                      Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                      • New Master in Exponential Organizations is now happening on September 27th

                      Watch their video

                      Alex Eduardo Nomberto Cerna

                      Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                      • Client: dental clinic in Peru.
                      • Reason: due to pandemics, clients visits dropped over 50%. Owner wanted to transform digitally its clinic and grow exponentially its revenues.
                      Describe in detail the Consulting engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                      • In Moddula we designed ExO MyPE, a business consultancy service aimed to micro and small enterprises (less than USD 2 million in annual revenues).
                      • ExO Mype works in six steps:
                        • Exponential quotient using ExQ Survey,
                        • Definition of MTP,
                        • Review of business model using Business Model Canvas,
                        • Definition of Strategy using the Strategy Choice Cascade,
                        • Review of operations, and
                        • Definition of the Digital Transformation Path using the ExO Canvas.
                      • We executed ExO MyPE with this dental clinic and identified 14 initiatives including the implementation of four ExO attributes:
                        • MTP,
                        • Community,
                        • Engagement and
                        • Dashboards.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • My intervention provided to my client a much better view of its business, its potential and its real chance to recovery for growth.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • We are still at the initial stage of the implementation of the transformation plan, however these are some metrics: 1.
                          • Decline in number of visitors (10-15% monthly) was stopped
                          • Initiatives identified: 14
                          • initiatives launched: 2

                        Mack Comandante

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Today, Gothong Southern Supply Chain has become an edge company. Totally independent from the constraints of the legacy organization.
                        • These initiatives started at the end of 2020 when Gothong Southern Supply Chain availed of the services of Success Academy Learning Solutions to facilitate the company’s strategic planning and refresh. This was when we were introduced to the Exo concepts. It was a game-changer. It shifted the mindset of our leadership team. This further led to Success Academy conducting wake sessions with the rest of our business units.
                        • The Gothong Southern ExO Initiative (GXI) of the Office of Strategy helps enable the Gothong Southern Group of companies in its transformation journey to strengthen its customer loyalty by stimulating and nurturing the exponential mindset that encourages innovation through research, experimentation, and implementation of exponential technologies.
                        • Their mission is to spread the exponential mindset in the Gothong Southern group which is aligned to their MTP, "Empower the world to think exponentially"
                        Describe in detail the Consulting engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • The workshop started with pre-work to introduce the  ExO concepts, methodologies, and frameworks. Participants were required to secure ExO Foundation Certification to ensure that they have an in-depth understanding of the concepts and are ready to take a deep dive to work on their company's opportunities and challenges.
                        • The Business Model Canvas together with the ExO Canvass was one of the tools used to understand their current situation. This was also used to map and enhance their current business model based on the ExO frameworks and methodologies.
                        • KPI and KRA were reviewed and updated. Industry innovations locally and globally were discussed. In the end, the participants redesigned BMC and created Edge initiatives.


                        • To support their  corporate objectives, we conducted the following:
                          • Provide an EXO Awake session for your leaders.
                          • Proven strategic tools and methodologies (global, industry, competitor, and product analysis; strategy map design, the establishment of strategic initiatives, and installation of performance metrics) will be bolstered with concepts from the Learning Organization, Theory U, Systems Thinking, and the Exponential Organization.
                          • The workshop was done through a highly interactive session, with participants working in teams, and delivered over a 4-hour/each day live session via zoom.
                          • Biased-towards-action Next Steps will be crystallized via plenary debrief.

                        • Prework: Co-initiating workshop - 3 hours

                          • Introduction to Exponential Organizations


                        • Homework:

                          • Watch EXO video by Salim Ismail
                          • ExO Foundational Course Certification
                          • Financial metrics and analysis
                          • Revenue, Assets, Cost, Efficiency, and Profitability metrics
                          • Operational metrics and analysis
                          • Delivered in Full and On Time, Cost to Serve, Asset Utilization, Revenue per mile, Damages
                          • Research on competitive environment
                          • Client/customer behaviors
                          • Related innovations

                        • Day 1:  Co-sensing - 4 hours

                          • Point A Business Model Canvas
                          • Behavior Over Time Graphs
                          • Causal loops
                          • The 4th Industrial Revolution
                          • ExO Attributes
                          • ExO Canvas
                          • Industry update

                          Homework: competitor BMC, own BMC, ExO Canvas

                          Day 2 : Presencing - 4 hours

                          • Presentation of homework and feedback.
                          • Exponential business models. Use ExO canvas to redesign BMC and create core initiatives.
                          • Balancing innovation and risk – core vs edge.

                          Homework: Redesigned BMC and Edge initiatives – ExO canvas and BMC.

                          Day 3: Co-creating and Co-evolving - 4 hours

                          • Presentation and feedback of Core and Edge BMC and Metrics.
                          • Closing
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • An estimated Php10Million (about 200,000 USD @ 50Php/USD) revenue growth after 2 months of implementation from new revenue streams was achieved. At present 30% of the total Gothong Southern Group has embraced the ExO concept with some already certified in ExO Foundations.
                        • Please, refer to the client's testimony 
                        • Some quantitative benefits are as follows:
                          • Mindset - the company initially had a closed, linear mindset when they started the initiative. There was initial resistance when the concept and framework were presented. However, they were able to move them to a growth mindset through a series of ExO related activities, deliverables, and achievements.
                          • New Ideas - establishment of NEXT (New, Exponential, and Transformative) Awards to encourage employees to contribute to new growth initiatives and opportunities, innovation initiatives to improve current work or processes and services.
                          • Embrace ExO Edge Concept - implementation of edge initiative for the Supply Chain Solutions Group, giving them autonomy and opportunity to provide an agile response to customers' needs and new revenue streams.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • An estimated Php10Million (about 200,000 USD @ 50Php/USD) revenue growth after 2 months of implementation from new revenue streams was achieved. There are 3 successful projects and initiatives and at present 30% of the total Gothong Southern Group has embraced the ExO concept with some already certified in ExO Foundations.
                        • Please, refer to the client's testimony 

                        Matteo Pacini

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Until now we worked with about 20 companies, including 4 startups, 3 corporates, 1 public entity and several SMEs. We tell them "don't buy a Ferrari if you've never driven a Panda (entry level car in Italy)".
                        • We help companies explore a new domain (eg. e-commerce, CRM, lead generation, crowdfunding, AI, innovation, website dev, economic assessment etc) developing internal competence, instead of investing heavily into the project delegating entirely to an external partner they can't choose nor control. We call this insourcing since companies can have their own employees join the process: start with a theoretical course (free for everyone) and then do the project under the lead of external professionals. Or it can be used to recruit new talents that have been evaluated during the project work.
                        Describe in detail the Consulting engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • The consulting work we do in guilds42 follows this flow: people (apprentices in our Renaissance Narrative) first of all attend the courses and get certifications on these. Then keep on learning, with a practical approach, entering a team to develop a real work project (during 6 weeks) requested and sponsored by a company (Patron in our worlds). The quality of the consultancy work is guaranteed by 2 senior professionals (Artists) who provide the methodology and structure (gantt, instructions) and record specific hands-on lessons on how to make some task. At the end of every sprint (2 weeks) the team and artists meet the patron to deliver the increment.
                        • ExO Attributes: Artists are staff-on-demand; apprentices are community; our courses are leveraged assets (we curate existing online material); apprentices' journey is gamified to guarantee engagement; our rules+project gantt and structure+task video tutorials+academy are interfaces; we have dashboards both for guilds & for individual learners; experimentation is a systematic approach we use to explore new offers of value & new ways of doing things; autonomy is both leveraged by our founders and community and promoted within the working teams as an approach (like agile squads); social tech is used everywhere since guilds42 is totally online and we use social media to engage with the community
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • We enabled them to explore new domains, develop real competence (for free for every participant, both external talents and internal employees) and begin a digital transformation journey at a very accessible price (2.500€ per the 6 weeks long project).
                        • The project in itself provides consultancy on the domain (what's the best direction I should take based on my actual context) and the first mile of the execution to give an idea about the what and the how (empowering companies to understand and then choose.
                        • They often decide to proceed further with the artist and team as staff-on-demand), insourcing the skills they needed to evolve.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • About 2000 people joined our academy during the first year and 3400 certificates we released.
                        • 26 evolutionary projects have been completed for 20 companies and a participation of about 140 apprentices who have a practical work experience.
                        • 19 people found jobs thanks to the project.
                        • 6 Universities already partnered with guilds to give training credits for attending our learning paths (study + work) and 8 more are in the process.
                        • 5 cities are interested to patronize the model for their citizens and companies to create a local ecosystem (guild)

                        Watch their video

                        Kashif Hasnie

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:

                        Darwin Biosciences:

                        • All COVID-19 diagnostics currently being used detect biomolecules indicating infection after it’s too late, but Darwin Biosciences has developed SickStick, a diagnostic test that knows you’re sick before you do.
                        • The company offers two saliva-based solutions, one ready now for confirmatory testing that’s lab based (CoVScreen), and one requiring additional resources to accelerate its development (CoVStick). The company is in need of resources for aggressive acceleration of product release:
                          • COVID-19 samples in any biospecimen form — enables confirmatory testing within days;
                          • Clinical trial site(s) to execute protocol and determine sensitivity and specificity;
                          • Capital and partners to achieve our six-month goals.
                        Describe in detail the Consulting engagement and how ExO was implemented:

                        As an EIR with PHAST at Venture Partners at CU Boulder, I am helping Darwin Bio to accelerate for their product release.

                        • I am helping them to come up with a realistic and ambitious MTP.
                        • Trying to keep them lean, I have recommended them to work with people only when they are needed, so that they can keep the cost low (staff on demand).
                        • Community and crowd is in place and growing exponentially as their work is situated in the critical need area of the current pandemic.
                        • CU Boulder is their factory with lots of assets to leverage. The lab and the scientists are all native. All product pivots are absorbed by CU Boulder.
                        • We have implemented a dashboard where we can see and monitor the roadmap/growth.
                        • Experimentation is at the core of this startup, literally and figuratively.
                        • As this is work-in-progress, hopefully other ExO attributes will be incorporated as the startup matures.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • Confidence is sky-rocketing.
                        • Better pitch than before.
                        • ExO attributes have highlighted their competitive advantage.
                        • The team feels different in a good way.
                        • The lean approach appeals to the founders as equity remains intact to date.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Cost reduction: ~$500,000

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                        Azim Pawanchik

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Our client, Futurise an agency under Ministry of Finane in Malaysia have been entrusted to build the Malaysian innovation ecosystem and run the National Regulatory Sandbox (NRS).
                        • They want to explore a better way of running their open innovation activities and running of the national regulatory sandbox.
                        Describe in detail the Consulting engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • Using the ExO Canvas we customised our collaboration software (uvois.com) that enabled them to adopt the various ExO attributes with their key stakeholders (various ministries, government agencies, academic institutions and other).
                        • This includes Community & Crowd, Engagement (Gamification) and Algorithms. In addition to that they also created strategies to have an internal dashboard and interface with external stakeholders.
                        • Our goal is for them to be an "Exponential Government" Agency
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • They are able to engage multiple stakeholders and create a community that is related to the National Regulatory Sandbox.
                        • In addition by using using algorithms that are able to analyze new technology versus various regulations around the world.
                        • This not only saved them time but also build their reputation as a progressive and nimble government agency.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Lower Cost
                        • Enhanced reputation
                        • Stronger innovation community

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                        Mary Grace Opulencia-Dy

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • The client was one of the universities in the Philippines. The event was the De La Salle University Research Congress 2020.
                        • Their objective is to reach nationwide so many can benefit from the new learnings especially those from the remote provinces of the country. It is the first time they conducted an online Research Congress. The initial platform planned cannot address the current need. Given the objective and limitation of the initial solution.
                        • I moved them to a new platform, Zoom, and did FB Live and used community and crowd, and also engagements as one of the leading attributes to secure the attendance to the event and also exponential growth through the engagements of the audience.
                        • I played multiple roles covering IT support for the technical, moderator for the event, and facilitator for the forum discussion on “Innovation and Change”.
                        Describe in detail the Consulting engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • I was a volunteer for the event, initially assigned as a moderator however a day before the event during the meeting challenges were discussed by IT. I recommended a new approach and was entrusted to lead the entire team using the new platforms, solutions, and approach. Additional configuration was also made for the event FB Page and promotion of the event was also coordinated through other social media networks from the school and other means.

                        • Below are some high lights of the ExO Attributes used during the implementation:
                          • Staff on demand- The event was composed of both volunteers and limited no. of employees of the school. A total of less than 10pax.
                          • Community & Crowd – FB Page was optimized together with other platforms to maximize the reach from both local and international audience interested to participate and learn in the Research Congress. Zoom with FB Live was used to reach the target audience both local and international. Watch party was encouraged also to all participants especially in remote areas of the country.
                          • Leverage Assets- I provided Zoom with FB live for the 3 days event.
                          • Engagements- Gamification was utilized for their learning initiatives. The badge system was part of the FB Page setup. High energy engagements by the host and speakers encouraging audience participation helped increase the attendees for the event. Participants are encouraged to participate in the 3 days event.
                          • Interface - (User Interface) FB Page was optimized and encouraged participation from the attendees.
                          • Dashboard – FB analytics was used to monitor the three days event and also the performance.
                          • Experimentation - This is the first that the event was done online due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • There were 1828 registrants for the event. The results of the Research Congress based on FB statistics reached 56,659 engagements for 3 days.
                        • The attendees and engagements came from 22 provinces in the Philippines and 4 countries from the US, Europe, and Asia excluding zoom participants.
                        • As reported, it was a record-breaker from the time of the inception of the event.
                        • It is exponential growth. Refer to FB Page: June 17-19, 2020 https://fb.watch/6lxaJM3u3T/
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        1. The initial solution has a limiting capacity to approximately 200+, using the new solution designed using ExO attributes as a guide it was able to accommodate more resulting in approximately 57,000 engagements of the participants for the 3 days of the event that attended 12 plenary sessions and 43 pre-recorded parallel sessions which is an exponential growth from the original.
                        2. The undertaking provided an opportunity to bring education, learning, and information dissemination that Metro Manila participants enjoy (previous venue for face to face event) to the remote areas of the country (22 provinces) and internationally (4 countries) reaching as far as 13,000km+ (8100+miles) in distance.
                        3. Initial feedback from attendees are satisfied with the content, relevance to their job, and are willing to share with friends (as experienced during their watch party) gave ratings between 4 to 5 of the Likert scale with 5 being the highest score.


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                        Paul Epping

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Although we did more companies, we'll pick the client which is the biggest bank in Africa. They wanted to familiarise themselves with the exponential transformation thinking and we provided a tailor-made program consisting of an introduction to the principles of exponential transformation.
                        • First an awareness session followed by a 3 full weekend engagement to work on 1 core and 2 Edge initiatives. All three projects are being implemented as we speak. The exponential dynamics flywheel started to turn and the company is talking now a 'different language', that allows them to see new opportunities. The results were, as the CEO expressed it: massive, massive, massive. We are veery proud with this result and we are gearing up to make next steps which could be interesting for our community as well as their interest to become part of the ExO-community (and economy)
                        Please describe in detail the ExO Sprint engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • All meetings were online. We first started with the awareness session (exponential dynamics) and intro into exponential organisations. In this module we addressed extensively the ExO attributes and how to apply them. We gave a group, of about 50 people homework (reading articles, summaries of Exponential organisations and Exponential transformation, Abundance). Then we selected teams out of the 50 people by having short small group sessions and discussed the readings. Brought the group down to 3 tams 6 people. We Interviewed leadership of the company and developed a new approach.
                        • A short version of the sprint based on 2 inputs: interviews (20) and the corporate X-Ray (completed by 95 people, cross company). (The corporate X-ray will be explained in another application). The program was in total 6 weeks. Meeting during 3 weekends (2 full days, so total: 6 full days).
                        • Halfway we had a disruption session and each week 2 moments that we checked in with the teams. At the End the teams presented their initiatives (3 total) to the board. The board rewarded all three initiatives. Two (both edge initiatives) were later presented to the mother company: Standard bank and was further funded. Micro financing and training financial skills for entrepreneurs.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • The client was starting to approach problems in a different way. The client implemented attributes such a Staff on Demand sooner in the process. Embraces Experimentation which gave them the opportunity to stop, change or speeding up the initiative(s).
                        • The client started to engage in a different way with their clients and were implementing more autonomous teams. People were afraid to make mistakes and no hurdles for speaking up.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • 3 out of 3 initiatives were funded. 3 autonomous teams are working on initiatives, projects are going way faster than before due to experimentation and therefore cheaper than expected, teams were inspired to pick up new projects in line with the learnings.

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                        Tania Hodgkinson

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Fraport is a global airport management company. The project was implemented across two regional airports simultaneously: the Fraport Twin Star Bulgaria airports. This ExO Sprint implementation was part of a wider project using ExO methodology to make the organization and its leadership more adaptable and 'fit4future', as well as running 5 sprints to develop new business models and opportunities. We also coached the wider leadership team to work together better as a team, to shift their mindset to a systemic leadership team approach and to become purpose driven and exponentially enabled.
                        Please describe in detail the ExO Sprint engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • Few industries were as hard hit as the travel industry in 2020. For airports, it meant a dramatic reduction of traffic. For the management board at Fraport Twin Star Airport Management in Bulgaria, they were facing the same challenges as most organizations today. First, the need to develop business post pandemic - a context they were aware, would not be what it was before Covid-19. Second, was the need to lead better in increasingly complex and uncertain times. And thirdly, was the need to adapt to the impact of the accelerating technology change. Last but not least, there was a desire to develop further commercial activities at the airports and a challenge to manage two airports only 100 km apart but having their own teams.
                        • As an asset based business and a highly regulated industry, it is a traditionally hierarchical and linear business. Yet, the management board of this successful business, took the disruption as an opportunity to embark on an ambitious transformation - their Fit4Future project.
                        • In collaboration with the CEO, Frank Quante and the management board, ExO Sprint Coach and Leadership Team Coach Tania Hodgkinson at InnovThink designed a multi-tier leadership development, ExO Training and Systemic Team Development program. Designed to be delivered in a compressed and intensive period prior to the all-important summer preparation season, when the airport takes on and trains an additional triple of their number of staff, Fit4Future combined four elements:
                        • First, the Vision 2040 event, a series of workshops with over 100 company employees, including the full leadership team, as well as 25 partner organizations. With SciFiHive, a methodology using science fiction to imagine the future, participants used visual science fiction storytelling to unlock a vision of travelling 20 years hence in 2040. The purpose of starting the Fit4Future project with this approach was to break through limiting assumptions and creativity barriers in the present. Working in separate teams over 4 workshops, the teams collected over 600 data points of exponential technologies, future contextual changes and emerging business models that powered their imagination to create 13 visual comic stories. The themes emerging from these stories then formed valuable input into creating a strategic roadmap of innovation for the leadership team.
                        • The second element included ExO Training workshops over two days with 45 members of the senior and wider leadership team. This experiential approach brought working teams together with members from different departments, different airports and different hierarchical levels that usually did not work together. It also created a new common language, which also started appearing in corridors and around the kettle.
                        • The third and most comprehensive and intense element of the Fit4Future project saw the management board as well as the wider leadership team, all 45 members, work together in a new systemic way to align around their commission as a leadership team, find their MTP and gain common clarity on their team goals and collective responsibility, develop how they can best co-create towards their future goals and MTP, as well as how they connect with all key stakeholders. Finally, they developed a new approach to how they would continue to learn and evolve jointly as a team and organization. This systemic cycle was a first learning cycle, but the systemic team process will continue.
                        • From these elements, 5 ExO Innovation Sprints were shaped, staffed fully internally with 28 team members across both airports. They were surrounded and supported with two layers of support from the senior leadership team with 26 of them acting as expert advisers on topics such as regulations (very necessary in such a regulated industry), legal, commercial, technical and facilities, as well as mentors, creating a safe environment for the sprint teams to evolve their initiatives. All 54 gathered every Friday for the full duration of the sprint team results presentations. This ensured that the leadership team, including the management board, were on the same journey, shifting their mindset and staying close to the initiatives.
                        • Over the course of the 5 months of the project, Fraport invested over 10,000 wo/man hours, resulting in a remarkable transformation start. The key things that turned these ExO Sprints into a successful transformation are first of all, the recognition of urgency and responsibility of the management board to act and drive this project and secondly, the systemic, rather than linear approach to transformation but also the development of how the leadership operates systemically as a team. It is the close integration all the four elements of the Fit4Future project, the active participation of sprint team members, experts and advisors and, not least, the weekly presence of the entire management board and leadership team at the sprint results presentations, that created the momentum towards releasing new potential and energies for Fraport's Twin Star Airports in Bulgaria, as well as new hope for their role at the heart of the Black Sea Coast.
                        • CEO Frank Quante, himself having now certified as an OpenExO Consultant and Systemic Team Coach: “The driving element, the deepest muscle of this project is the strong responsibility the whole TOP Management of our airports shows towards the employees and the region we are serving with the airports. This gives us enormous credibility inside and outside our company. Especially in a former socialist country like Bulgaria the switch to a Create-the Future-Yourself - mindset somehow needed a tool like the SciFiHive to unlock our creativity. I was impressed when managers told me how they grew up in an environment of obedience and repression of free thinking.
                        • The biggest jump in the project was triggered by shifting to a systemic leadership approach. This created a team spirit that convinced nearly everyone in the organization. The OpenExO methodology was then a great tool to direct and harvest the energy we created into innovative business development initiatives. I am very thankful to my team and our coach: Great job!!”
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • It significantly shifted the mindset and perspective of the future (see previous point), but more importantly changed how teams, including the leadership team work together across departments. The Sprints resulted in initiatives that have already started being implemented and that will massively impact the whole region and not just the airports themselves.
                        • But perhaps one the most immediately noticeable differences, in these hard times in the travel industry, is the shift in energy and belief in shaping the future better.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Out of 17 initiatives developed during the sprints, only two have been dropped so far. The rest have been integrated into an innovation ecosystem that is projected to more than 10X the organization's revenue by the end of this decade. The airport is now at the heart of a growing regional travel ecosystem that is an alliance with all major tourism stakeholders in the region, including the ministries of tourism and local municipalities. The common purpose is to develop, promote and lift up the entire Black Sea region.

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                        Suman Sasmal

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Trident Group is a dynamic and continuously growing conglomerate in North India. Trident India, the flagship company group, is one among the top 5 global terry towel giants of the world. Starting as a solitary yarn and paper manufacturer, Trident transformed itself into one of the largest state-of-the-art, integrated home textile manufacturers in the world. It was founded by Rajinder Gupta (RG), a person who with humble beginnings.
                        • Facing tremendous pressure on margin, market share and disruption, Trident is now singularly focused on a quantum growth agenda. Earlier this year, Trident boldly made a public announcement to 3.5X their revenue in 3.5 years, by 2025. INR 250 billion (USD 3.5 billion) by 2025. They were looking for initiatives and programs to jump-start this journey. When Jyoti, a recent addition to the ExO Coach family, Founder White Spaces Consulting, met RG in March 2021, the Sprint was sold in the 9th minute of his introducing “Why Sprint?” The only question asked RG was "When do we start?"
                        • We kicked off “Awake” on April 5th, 2021, even as the second wave of Covid-19 was at the knee of an exponential curve in India!
                        • This was a Sprint like no other. It was the very first Sprint in India. Yet, no references were asked for, no case studies to be submitted, some discussions around scope, post-Sprint support, “Skin in the Game”. RG, Founder & Chairman, trusted Jyoti, and a belief that “Learn by Doing” approach was best suited for Trident at this stage of growth. The hands-on approach appealed to RG.
                        • The power of OpenExO community is beautifully demonstrated with Jaroslav connecting Jyoti with myself (Suman Sasmal). A happy connection of 2 complementary aspirations. While Jyoti only wants to sell Sprints, I have always been clear that I would only deliver and not sell :-).
                        Please describe in detail the ExO Sprint engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • Trident Group had articulated its 2025 goals clearly & publicly. Expectations are running high. RG himself engaged in most discussions around Sprint team mobilisation, besides being an active sponsor for the program. He gave the “Go-Ahead” in less than a month’s time. Perhaps the fastest Sprint selling cycle ever.
                        • The honeymoon and the “feel good” behind us, the challenges started from Awake itself!  The project had handicaps to start with. The first challenge - the team of Sprinters. Trident wanted to challenge their B team of mid-level leadership to rise to the occasion, instead of their A team. RG believed in backing underdogs to deliver during such uncertain times. He believes that they would be motivated to go that extra mile and they indeed did.
                        • So, we had four challenges at hand.
                        • First, a “B team” coming from an industrial age manufacturing setup, from a tier-3 town in India with minimal global exposure.
                        • The second challenge was the timing. The pandemic was in full swing in India. The scenario was all gloom and doom. The whole country quickly resumed lockdowns. We had to design everything for virtual mode, including Awake and Align, which are normally designed for face-to-face delivery.
                        • The third challenge was the limited exposure of the team. Less than 20% of the team had any of exposure to a world outside Trident.  They were very product centric, have never met a client and had no awareness of any digital technologies.
                        • The fourth challenge and I will stop with that! The team was struggling at work front (with shutdowns), home front (pandemic fear & infections) and the Sprint workload on top of their daily routines. Nothing changed for them at the workplace where 6-day 48-hour work week is stipulated by law.
                        • How did it all come together?
                        • Scope of Sprint: 5 teams. 3 Core teams. 2 Edge teams.
                        • Our Sprint Design had the following considerations, to counter these challenges.
                        • The four critical design elements we introduced towards a smooth run were:
                        1. Robust & Regular sponsorship from Client leadership.
                        2. Strong focus on subject matter explanations via multiple Masterclasses.
                        3. Close, frequent handholding of sprinters by coaches.
                        4. Vibrant and responsive Project office
                        • We structured ourselves right, from the beginning. The Sprint engagement had two clear inter-dependent tracks. While Jyoti was Director - Client Relationships, I played the role of Director – Sprint Delivery. And Jyoti (along with me) ensured weekly check-ins separately with Trident Board of Directors and RG himself. And we have been sharing everything in a very transparent manner, paving the way for a healthy relationship including concerns and help sought.
                        • Given the profile of our Sprinters (B Team), we over-compensated with an “A team” of Coaches. I approached some of the best coaches our community has to offer. And everyone jumped at the notion of working together for the very first Sprint in India. Yes, we have Dea Franko Csuba, Diego Soroa, Trent Wheeler, Deepak Saraf working along with me as coaches. I am the Head Coach and also a coach for one of the Sprint teams.
                        • We wanted to surround the participants with educational sessions to support their understanding of sprint. One Masterclass was planned for, every week, for all Sprint weeks. This was over and beyond the 2 Awake Sessions and 2 Align workshops (5x2.5 hours/day delivered online). The Masterclasses became so popular, that we had to increase the zoom room size beyond 100 and the entire leadership team, including Founder and Chairman, started attending them. The Chairman wanted to start another Sprint, while this was on. We had to contain his enthusiasm! Perhaps, the first in the history of Sprint.
                        • We engaged the Sprinters in multiple ways, including Working Genius Psychometric testing from Peter Lencioni to balance Team Composition, “Coping with Negative Feedback” workshops before Disrupt session. Other elements included daily coaching sessions, as close handholding was a critical success factor. Some sessions even went past midnight, local time! The project office, comprising Payal & Zahira (South Asia’s 1st 2 lady ExO consultants) themselves, did a super job in engaging with participants, dealing with their questions, fears, uncertainties and doubts, nudging, encouraging & supporting them all the way.
                        • The team will finish the Sprint by end June. We completed an amazing Disrupt with Diana Stafie, Paul Epping and Wolfgang as Disruptors and this is what Wolfgang said, "Thank you, team for having us and for an amazing disrupt session. Very impressed with the teams and a testament to the amazing work of the coaches. Incredibly impressed by the support and commitment of the leadership, there is a lot of energy and I expect great things to come :-). Also, thanks for a wonderful moderation, time keeping & break intermissions with soothing music; this made a long day feel quite light!" Paul and Diana echoed similar sentiments.
                        • As for Trident Group, Rajinder Gupta said at the end of the Disrupt– “I am super excited. I want to do the right thing even if I lose money. I can commit even $10-20 Million for these projects.” Recorded video has been shared at the end of this application. 
                        • Post Disrupt session, some sprinter sharings were:
                        • "Thanks to you, Sir, you took us this far, we were lost when we started and now it’s so much different".
                        • "Diverse individuals but you got us together ????????????????????????."
                        • We started with 40 Sprinters. Several fell sick, several had their family members falling ill, some could not cope up with workload and dropped out. Even the team of coaches was not spared. Covid touched a couple of our members and their families, and personal losses of dear ones included.
                        • But we marched forward against all odds. The teams and coaches backed each other during this crisis. The participants came together as well and on their way to giving their best on the Launch day. Each of the five teams is working 2 super initiatives. And we are certain to get sponsorship on about 4-5 initiatives from Trident leadership.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • The transformation of the individuals are visible. We believe that the sprint primarily transforms the individuals, who in turn transform the company. This is in alignment with the expectations of RG, the founder and sponsor of the sprint. However,  when we reach week 10, we hope to have a few ambitious projects identified as well.
                        • The  intervention has already converted some of the  manufacturing minds to consider running their own business, even a few want to become ExO coaches and 61% want to continue full-time with ExO initiatives, if selected.
                        • There are evidences of significant mindset changes amongst sprinters. Some quotes, as captured by our Reporter, Payal.
                        • “I never thought I could ever think of starting my own business, in the last 5 weeks I am not only confident of myself but to start or take care of any new venture”
                        • “I am so impressed by this journey, I would like to take up Sprint Coach program for myself, to become a coach” 
                        • “People in this company are mostly engineers engrossed in their roles as such, it a great to see Girish talk about business and what changes we can and should be making, a complete shift in thinking”
                        • A senior sprinter, has started coaching a peer on the Sprint process in week 1, he is seeing a great potential in the program.
                        • It is not limited to mindset changes at individual levels, but changes at the organisational levels are perceived by various stakeholders.
                        • A Sprinetr’s perspective - "First time people across departments working together, they are zealous and hungry for learning and working together as team without hierarchy in play".
                        • The Sponsor’s (RG’s) perspective “ This did not seem like Trident at all, I am experiencing the flight of mind which I have found conspicuously missing in the past”
                        • Coach’s perspective (Dea) - The Sprinters seem to have a big “aha” and proud “yes !we did it” moment, they are realising their power to have a real impact on the company and world.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Most initiatives are aimed at revenue growth and it is a bit too early to quantify any such numbers. However, when the client wants to run a second sprint even before the end of first, the enthusiasm and impact in their mind can be well imagined.

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                        Sanjay R G Bhana

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Client: Executive of a utility.
                        • Goal: bring about a shift in the dept operating model, shift the culture and introduce a whole new way of working and serving its clients
                        Please describe in detail the ExO Sprint engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        1. Initial one on one conversations with the CIO to understand their needs and problem spaces.
                        2. Developed a proposal for the CIO using the EXO sprint "Plan" in the Exponential Transformation playbook.
                        3. Proposal was presented to the CIO and Mgt com to tweak for their specific needs.
                        4. Problem statements were defined and agreed to for the sprint
                        5. Time and resource commitments were agreed to as well as the level of external participation in the sprint (e.g. use of external advisors, disruptors, etc. )
                        6. The management team chose potential candidates for the sprint and each was approached on their interest to participate (Understandably -there was some reluctance given this was their first sprint to include participants from outside the BU)
                        7. Initially 3 x teams were formed and I utilised 2 participants from a prior pilot sprint to serve as coaches under my mentorship. one team was dissolved due to unavailability of the team members and the remaining members from that team assigned to the others 2 teams.
                        8. Awake sessions, EXO canvas and attribute training was performed using a action learning approach
                        9. The sprint ran for 11 weeks (to cater for public holidays and work related matters)
                        10. IN week 5 - permission was provided to bring in 3 external disruptors ( I secured 2 certified coaches for this Crystal To and Fernando De Los Rios - who provided feedback on the initiatives on a pro-bono basis)
                        11. the final launch session (week 10) was held with the CIO and MANCO as well as 3 customers representatives (execs) and 2 initiatives were chosen for incubation .. 1 focused on developing a crowd-sourcing platform to resource various projects in the organisation and the second focussed on bringing improved mobility solutions to the call centre staff.
                        • Outcomes: the younger group of participants quickly grasped the concepts and embraced this new way of working and being, surpassing many expectations. the older more senior grouping struggled to embrace the agile ways of working as well as an experimentation and hypotheses based approach and began coming around to embrace these towards week 8 onwards of the sprint. One of thew participants also remarked that they began the process begrudgingly and was ready to quit, staying the course allowed them to discover that they have value to add and could add value despite not being an "IT" person.
                        • A separate incubation process is now being run to evolve these initiatives further with dedicated sponsors for each of the initiatives and a standing agenda item on progress for these initiatives on the Mgt Com.
                        • Lessons learnt:
                        1. Importance of sponsor participation at Friday delivery calls was a huge win and motivated participants from week to week.
                        2. The importance of creating a safe to fail space for participants is non-negotiable
                        3. The importance of briefing the potential customer grouping internally in the organisation for such an initiative is critical to ensure that requests for interviews etc. are contextualised and understood.
                        4. Every step of the way, keep the sponsor appraised of where the teams are at - provide feedback on both the learning, culture and behaviour shifts as well as team dynamics so that issues can be pro-actively managed. Rewards and recognition of participants are key to success of such sprints. be deliberate about praising and not perfecting. Don't let perfect get in the way of good progress - in the end - what is validated today can always be improved and enhanced tomorrow.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • Culture shift, new ways of working embraced, employee self-confidence enhanced... close working relations between the group and their internal customer base
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • 2 new projects launched. Both with great potential to reduce the costs to serve. 1 initiative aimed at enhancing productivity.

                        Watch their video

                        Be a 10Xer

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • It was a paid public program (Be a 10Xer, a mini accelerated sprint) in March 2020, attended by member of Board of the largest hotel chain in India (Taj Hotels), executives from BOSCH (German MNC), senior professionals from Infosys (India's most reputed IT services company), independent consultants and startups.
                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • The 5-week mini-sprint was digitally delivered over 5 weekends. The weekdays were spent in working on assignments and weekends involved lectures, team presentations and discussions around building exponential business.
                        • This effectiveness of this model was crucial to be tested, as several individuals or institutions do not readily sign-up for a 10-week long commitment. It needs selling. Since I have always been passionate about evangelising ExO concept, I chose to pursue this route of public programs. And the hypothesis was validated. There was a shift in thinking of attendees, not the mindset though.
                        • The end-of-the-program written feedback says it all. Please click on the link.
                        • In the Disrupt session, Diana Stafie was pleased to see the quality of understanding, the participants had developed, out of such a new format.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • The NPS was 94%. The comments around the program reflect the changes it brought within them.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • NPS at 94% means a lot to any program. When I shared the success and construct of the program in the community, 2 members (Chander in Switzerland and Eric in the USA) did their bit to take the program in their respective geographies. They were very impressed and I shared every detail of the program.
                        • As a community, we will go a long way if we keep experimenting on our format to create value and keep spreading the power and potential of ExO

                        Watch their video

                        Michael Friebe

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • Created a novel lecture based on ExO teaching trying to address the healthcare challenges globally -- Started with the Innovation Needs in that segment and then designed a 5 ECTS interdisciplinary lecture (clinicians, engineers, data scientists) with the goal to IDENTIFY a clinical problem and IDEATE solutions for subsequent validation. The goal is to introduce the students to the ExO methodology and other related innovation tools for their future work.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • Intentional Disruption versus Incremental Innovation! Typically university education and innovation in the healthcare domain are following an incremental process. To create solutions for the global challenges one needs to learn on how to intentionally disrupt the current business models and workflows.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • First semester teaching completed with 10 students. One pre-start-up created. Teaching concept received best teaching award and will be introduced in the coming wintersemester at AGH University in Krakow (No 1. technical university in Poland). Also received invitations to present the lecture concept at three conferences, 2 journals, and four universities (Imperial College London, TU Munich, University Bern Switzerland, QUT Brisbane Australia).

                        Watch their video

                        Success Academy Learning Solutions

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • This initiative started at the end of 2020 when Gothong Southern Supply Chain availed of the services of Success Academy Learning Solutions to facilitate the company’s strategic planning and refresh. This was when they were introduced to the Exo concepts. It was a game-changer. It shifted the mindset of their leadership team. This further led to Success Academy conducting Awake sessions with the rest of our business units. Today, Gothong Southern Supply Chain has become an edge company. Totally independent from the constraints of the legacy organization. The Gothong Southern ExO Initiative (GXI) of the Office of Strategy helps enable the Gothong Southern Group of companies in its transformation journey to strengthen its customer loyalty by stimulating and nurturing the exponential mindset that encourages innovation through research, experimentation, and implementation of exponential technologies. Thier mission is to spread the exponential mindset in the Gothong Southern group which is aligned to their MTP, "Empower the world to think exponentially"
                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • The workshop started with pre-work to introduce the  ExO concepts, methodologies, and frameworks. Participants were required to secure ExO Foundation Certification to ensure that they have an in-depth understanding of the concepts and are ready to take a deep dive to work on their company's opportunities and challenges.

                          The Business Model Canvas together with the ExO Canvass was one of tools used to understand their current situation. This was also used to map and enhance their current business model based on the ExO frameworks and methodologies.

                          KPI and KRA were reviewed and updated. Industry innovations locally and globally were discussed. In the end, the participants redesigned BMC and created Edge initiatives. 

                          To support their  corporate objectives, we conducted the following:

                          • Provide an EXO Awake session for your leaders.
                          • Proven strategic tools and methodologies (global, industry, competitor, and product analysis; strategy map design, the establishment of strategic initiatives, and installation of performance metrics) will be bolstered with concepts from the Learning Organization, Theory U, Systems Thinking, and the Exponential Organization.
                          • The workshop was done through a highly interactive session, with participants working in

                          Biased-towards-action Next Steps will be crystallized via plenary debrief.

                          Prework: Co-initiating workshop - 3 hours

                          • Introduction to Exponential Organizations


                          • Watch EXO video by Salim Ismail
                          • ExO Foundational Course Certification
                          • Financial metrics and analysis
                          • Revenue, Assets, Cost, Efficiency, and Profitability metrics
                          • Operational metrics and analysis
                          • Delivered in Full and On Time, Cost to Serve, Asset Utilization, Revenue per mile, Damages
                          • Research on competitive environment
                          • Client/customer behaviors
                          • Related innovations

                          Day 1:  Co-sensing - 4 hours

                          • Point A Business Model Canvas
                          • Behavior Over Time Graphs
                          • Causal loops
                          • The 4th Industrial Revolution
                          • ExO Attributes
                          • ExO Canvas
                          • Industry update

                          Homework: competitor BMC, own BMC, ExO Canvas

                          Day 2 : Presencing - 4 hours

                          • Presentation of homework and feedback.
                          • Exponential business models. Use ExO canvas to redesign BMC and create core initiatives.
                          • Balancing innovation and risk – core vs edge.

                          Homework: Redesigned BMC and Edge initiatives – ExO canvas and BMC.

                          Day 3: Co-creating and Co-evolving - 4 hours

                          • Presentation and feedback of Core and Edge BMC and Metrics.
                          • Closing
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?

                        An estimated Php10Million (about 200,000 USD @ 50Php/USD) revenue growth after 2 months of implementation from new revenue streams was achieved. At present 30% of the total Gothong Southern Group has embraced the ExO concept with some already certified in ExO Foundations.

                        Pls, refer to the client's testimony

                        Staff on demand- 60% of contents generation for the learning platforms (gxi.gothong.com)are contributed by the GXI champions who are representative of various business units of Gothong Southern Group.

                        • Community & Crowd - various business units are members of the GXI community (GXI Connect). They have been actively involved in the sharing and collaborations through various learning mediums and forums. As an example, their GXI members from the supply chain business units shared ideas like how the property development group Gothong Southern can benefit from using 3D printing technologies for property development initiatives.
                        • Algorithm - As part of the initiative for the development of the enterprise data analytics solution, machine learning, workflow, and algorithm is being used to develop the data collection.
                        • Leverage Assets- a cloud-based data warehouse is not owned by the company (SAAS) and most of their platforms are open-sourced.
                        • Engagements- Gamification was utilized for their learning initiatives. The badge system is part of the GXI Solutions, to encourage members and employees to participate and contribute to providing new learnings in their respective business units whereby it may also be beneficial to the other groups in addressing the same challenges if encountered and highlight possible synergy within the company. The company often uses QR codes to secure feedback and information to improve various activities and engagements.
                        • Interface - (User Interface) They have GXI portal that serves as a curated open-sourced learning platform. GXI Connect is the company's enterprise social network where all employees can interact freely, contribute by sharing their ideas, collaborate and create synergies within the entire Gothong Southern Group.
                        • (System Interface) They have GS Information Portal that is used as the executive dashboard for their data warehouse.
                        • Dashboard - Power BI was used by the company as their preferred data analytics solution to provide management with real-time information for their decision-making processes. To ensure operational efficiency they utilize a balanced scorecard.
                        • Experimentation - The company started an Edge implementation for their Supply Chain Solutions group. They are focused on the integration of various logistics activities through the digitalization of processes to ensure seamless end-to-end solutions for their customers.
                        • Autonomy - The Supply Chain Solution Group uses holacracy (method of decentralized management and organizational governance) to ensure fast decision-making and empower its people to be agile to changing market demands.
                        • Social Technologies - XL (Exponential Learner) Webinar series has been very well accepted by the company as a new method of learning and collaboration. The learning sessions involve external resources, market leaders, thought experts, and innovators.

                        GXI Connect is the company's social platform their internal "Facebook" to collaborate, and create better connections and synergy within the organization in spite of the challenges we face due to the current pandemic.

                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Revenue growth - estimated within 2 months  after implementation was able to generate an estimated Php10Million (about 200,000 USD @ 50Php/USD) from the new revenue stream
                        • Number of Successful projects and initiatives:
                          1. Adoptive seamless inland network
                          2. Warehousing,
                          3. Integrated logistics
                        • Other quantitative results achieved- 30% of the total population of the Gothong Southern Group have embraced the ExO concept.

                        Watch their video

                        Boston exo

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Our "clients" were interns who joined us June - August 2020 for our virtual internship that we ran for ~ 30 high school and college students from 9 countries, 7 time zones from around the world. We asked the question "What are students doing this summer (amidst the COVID-19 pandemic) and what can BostonExO do to help them?" We launched our internship a week after forming our BostonExO core team and ran it for 10 weeks
                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • We kept the students quite busy last summer :-) They also learned about ExO, exponential technologies; many of them read Exponential Organizations and earned a credential after passing an exam; they developed an exponential/abundant mindset; they crafted their MTP and obtained their ExO Foundations certification; they contributed to multiple BostonExO projects; they incubated ideas during a 10-week ExO sprint
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • BostonExO and a few of our clients benefited from the efforts of our interns including a full-featured website that was launched; ran ExO contests; multiple ExO Foundations certifications were issued; students improved their English speaking and writing skills as well as numerous communication, interpersonal, presentation and leadership skills

                        Watch their video

                        Business Launch Challenge

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:

                        The Business Launch Challenge is a signature program of Success Academy Learning Solutions LLC. It is for starting entrepreneurs or for business owners who are looking for the next needle mover to increase their influence, grow their impact, and accelerate their profits.

                        The program runs for 21 days where participants receive access to 4 high-impact business masterclasses where ExO methodologies and mindsets are embedded.

                        Participants register to the program through our landing page which is made possible by our internal in-house INTERFACE + ALGORITHM: Prime Funnel Builder - which allows payment through credit card or through bank transfer. This is important because only 20% of the Philippine population have a bank account and only 5% have a credit card. Customer relationships are further curated through our CRM and email marketing automation.

                        Participants are assigned to accountability buddies and councils - allowing them full AUTONOMY to how they implement the BLC concepts to their businesses.

                        Week 1

                        • Introduction to Business Models
                        • Customer Segments: Finding your profitable niche
                        • Value Proposition: Creating your own monopoly
                        • Business Idea: Niche, problem, solution, and pricing
                        • Experimentation: Rapid prototyping through testing hypotheses with your niche

                        Week 2

                        • BMC + ExOC: Creating your business model
                        • Customer relationship and channels: Organic marketing
                        • Exponential Growth: Creating your marketing flywheel

                        Week 3

                        • MTP: Creating your massive transformative purpose
                        • Activities and partnerships: Creating a high performing team
                        • Pitch: Creating your business pitch

                        This is done by leveraging on COMMUNITY AND CROWD. Participants have access to an exclusive private Facebook group. A dedicated telegram group for daily meetups. They are also assigned weekly homework and daily rituals. This increases ENGAGEMENT throughout and even after the program.

                        SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES through Typeform, Zapier, google drive, google docs, etc allow feedback to be captured on a weekly basis and is immediately made available to all coaches through an internal DASHBOARD. This allows the coaches, who are STAFF ON DEMAND, to adjust their approach to fully support participants.

                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • The Business Launch Challenge is a signature program of Success Academy Learning Solutions LLC. It is for starting entrepreneurs or for business owners who are looking for the next needle mover to increase their influence, grow their impact, and accelerate their profits.

                          The program runs for 21 days where participants receive access to 4 high-impact business masterclasses where ExO methodologies and mindsets are embedded.

                          Participants register to the program through our landing page which is made possible by our internal in-house INTERFACE + ALGORITHM: Prime Funnel Builder - which allows payment through credit card or through bank transfer. This is important because only 20% of the Philippine population have a bank account and only 5% have a credit card. Customer relationships are further curated through our CRM and email marketing automation.

                          Participants are assigned to accountability buddies and councils - allowing them full AUTONOMY to how they implement the BLC concepts to their businesses.

                          Week 1

                          • Introduction to Business Models
                          • Customer Segments: Finding your profitable niche
                          • Value Proposition: Creating your own monopoly
                          • Business Idea: Niche, problem, solution, and pricing
                          • Experimentation: Rapid prototyping through testing hypotheses with your niche

                          Week 2

                          • BMC + ExOC: Creating your business model
                          • Customer relationship and channels: Organic marketing
                          • Exponential Growth: Creating your marketing flywheel

                          Week 3

                          • MTP: Creating your massive transformative purpose
                          • Activities and partnerships: Creating a high performing team
                          • Pitch: Creating your business pitch

                          This is done by leveraging on COMMUNITY AND CROWD. Participants have access to an exclusive private Facebook group. A dedicated telegram group for daily meetups. They are also assigned weekly homework and daily rituals. This increases ENGAGEMENT throughout and even after the program.

                          SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES through Typeform, Zapier, google drive, google docs, etc allow feedback to be captured on a weekly basis and is immediately made available to all coaches through an internal DASHBOARD. This allows the coaches, who are STAFF ON DEMAND, to adjust their approach to fully support participants.

                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • We have overwhelmingly positive feedback from our participants. We participants increasing their sales and productivity by 300% and increasing team growth by 500%! 

                        Some examples of results are:

                        • Basil Reyno - Founded Limitless University. He now has close to 10,000 participants for his programs. He has grown his following to 30,000+ through his community page: Go Getter Guy.
                        • Lumen Tamayo - Had created Finding Your Spotlight in the Digital Stage - which is focused on helping Gen X and Baby Boomers transition to the digital space.

                        Please go to https://www.successacademy.ph/BLC for more testimonials.

                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Revenue Growth for Clients - Increase in revenue by 300%, Increase in teams by 500% # of Successful Projects Launched - over 200 initiatives in less than 6 months.

                        Watch their video


                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Between 2017 and 2019, I created at Mirach a series of workshops entitled Exponential Thinking for groups of only 12 high profile professionals that could be only be formed by recommendation of previous attendees. The first group was created by Fernando Stein (former CEO of Park Indigo Brazil, where I was also an advisor and later a personal consultant for several projects) when he invited a group of about 10 colleagues and co-investors for the first cohort.
                        • Fernando and his friends from several industries (legal services, media & entertainment, cybersecurity, healthcare) had already attended SU Global Summit 2016 and Exponential Medicine and were worried about how to be adapted for the future that might change their industries faster every new year.
                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • Exponential Thinking workshop series was created based on 6 in-person sessions that lasted 2 hours and a half each. During sessions 1 and 2, we created the foundations of the program with content and pre-reading materials (Exponential Organizations book in Portuguese was mandatory).
                        • Session 3 we used half of the session to capture insights between the participants and their own businesses since most of them were already more comfortable sharing their own challenges and weaknesses.  The other half we brought special guests for pitches and Ask Me Anything sessions.
                        • Sessions 4 and 5 were used to bring more real-life examples on how to apply ExO attributes to some businesses from participants or preselected companies, in case no one is comfortable exposing their own business. Session 6 usually had another special guest and was wrapped up with dinner, allowing also each participant to bring one guest to attend this class as a teaser for the future Exponential Thinking sessions. Exponential Thinking sessions already trained about 150 CEOs and entrepreneurs in Brazil since 2017 and we also created international deep-dive sessions in the Silicon Valley for about 40 people.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • Many attendees from the Exponential Thinking workshops were able to create new ventures, change their own businesses during challenging times facing competition, and also were able to transform themselves into more aware and adaptable professionals. Amongst some cases during and a couple of years after attending the workshops, I received feedback about companies created (with capital raised and then successful exits), joint ventures, acquisitions, and even a book written by one of the attendees (Medicine of the Future).
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Some bottom-line results achieved by Park Indigo and Fernando Stein, the first client of the Exponential Thinking series.
                          1. Fernando created internally a methodology entitled Exponential Management, applying ExO attributes to his management process at the company;
                          2. Park Indigo was able to reduce the cost of its CFTV monitoring process in the parking areas by using algorithms, interfaces, and dashboards at its Monitoring Central in Brazil. This project later was a reference for the HQ in France.
                          3. Park Indigo Brazil was fully exited (sold) to Park Indigo France and Fernando left the CEO position, creating his own venture building company (N-Ideas). Through N-Ideas, Fernando invested in dozen companies, including Triider, created by one attendee of the same cohort.
                          4. Four years later, they exited this company to a group of large Brazilian corporations.

                        Watch their video

                        Exo Execute

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • Because of COVID the county was looking for opportunties to create online programming for their youth in the innovation and entrepreneur space.  We ran the pilot project in the fall of 2020 with 5 participants and included some community members as disruptors. 
                        • The final pitch was done publicly and attracted more than 50 community leaders and government leaders from around Alberta.  The program is now being expanded to 8 communities in Alberta for 2021.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • The program has increased the interest and level of innovation and entrepreneurship programs across a widely dispersed county that's spread across 10 different towns. As well, we have brought innovation and entrepreneurship to rural communities which are highly underserved in this respect.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • As a result of the program, one of the participants is applying 2 of the ideas into her business (the CORE ideas) and another participant is moving forward one of the EDGE ideas with her MVP going live next month. 
                        • Several focus areas were determined as well for the scope of this years Innovation Masterclasses.

                        Watch their video


                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • During the Exo World Open house, we experimented with adapting the ExQ survey to measure the exponential coefficient of a SaaS solution.
                        • The app is a leading Telemedicine app in the Spain market, with a strong presence in Latam and beginning to expand in the USA market.
                        • We invited people from the community with experience in the health sector and ran a workshop with the following schedule:
                            • Presentation of the solution by the CEO of the company
                            • Run a poll of 16 questions covering the attributes and answering questions
                            • Evaluation of the exponential coefficient
                            • Wrap-up and evaluation of the meeting
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • Results of the workshop:
                            • Identify which exponential attributes were stronger and prone to make the app successful in different markets
                            • Identify which exponential attributes could have another angle to optimize the current implementation
                            • Acknowledge which attributes were implemented without prior knowledge of the concept of exponentiality which led to improving their sales pitch
                            • New leads interested not only as customers but also to bring the app to their markets.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Quantitative:
                          • The client got three interesting lead that wanted to help with the commercialization of the app in their markets.
                        • Qualitative:
                          • Refine the sales pitch with the concept of exponentiality
                          • Evaluate the information of the dashboards provided by the app
                          • Expand the awareness of the app to new people
                          • Identify other angles to implement exponential attributes

                        Watch their video

                        Corina Almagro Guerra

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • EADA is a completely independent, non-profit business school, founded in 1957 and established as a private university foundation in 1984, with the aim of helping executives of the present and of the future in their growth and innovation.
                        • EADA is one of the most innovative and prestigious business schools in Europe, ranked #9 at the Best Business Schools FOR the world, according to the rating presented at the World Economic Forum 2020 in Davos. Under its three main pillars of action, leadership, innovation and sustainability,
                        • EADA has decided to beat high for the Exponential Organization concept and has launched the world's first master's degree in Exponential Organizations. I have been the one, as Master Director, that has put the competence model, syllabus and pool of teachers together to make it happen
                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • The Master in Exponential Organizations will start in September 27th, 2021 and will take 12 months to complete. This is the first Master in the world that seeks to fully train professionals in the model of Exponential Organizations and its methodologies, frameworks and tools (including ExQ, ExO Canvas, etc), through a work dynamic that transforms mentality, behavior and culture.
                        • The objective of this master is to disrupt current MBA thinking and bring a new master dynamic in major education institutions.
                        • The different subjects (one month each) will be delivered by key OpenExO Community members such as Matthias Schneider, Soledad Llorente, Marité Nevado and myself.


                          9. LEADING IN EXPONENTIAL TIMES
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • We made it happen! I provided all the content, selected the professors, conducted the admission interviews, train the sales people, etc. etc. etc. It is been a long journey that is finally happening!
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • I expect empowered leaders that fully understand the Exponential Organization concept and can apply it into their organizations.
                        • I also expect these leaders to be the promoters of this exponential change within their communities, so more leaders can join the ExO movement.
                        • I am also convinced that current and future leaders will not be interested in doing an MBA any more: the world does not need more leaders trained on how to ADMINISTER a business (as the M.B.A. stands for), it needs leaders with the capacity to TRANSFORM existing ones and/or to CREATE new ones.

                        Watch their video

                        Jimbo Reverente

                        Tell us about the client you have worked with and what was the reason they wanted your support:
                        • Our main clients were business owners or senior leaders in small and medium-sized businesses, and government agencies. They wanted our support on their digital transformation efforts or increase their awareness around digital and exponential transformation.
                        Describe in detail the Workshop/Training engagement and how ExO was implemented:
                        • We redesigned the ExO Workshop into a 5-week Program we call ExO Accelerate, following a similar learning structure as the ExO Consultant Certification. During the assignment briefing, we would do the exercise as in the workshop content. However, we would add an assignment of doing the exercise but instead of using a sample company, their subject would be their own business. Then they would report on their assignment during an end-of-week results call. We have had 46 attendees for ExO Accelerate from 2020 until today.
                        • Other results we achieved in our community is as follows:
                          • 10 ExO Consultants from OpenExO,
                          • 24 ExO Consultants to the ExO Consultant Certification Program delivered by TRAIL,
                          • 4 ExO Sprint Coaches, and
                          • 1,579 attendees in Awake Sessions given to various organizations including companies, business associations, government agencies, and college students.
                        Outcomes: What was the difference your intervention made to your client?
                        • If we look at the Philippines as our client, the awareness of ExO concepts has increased exponentially given that we started 2020 with 1 ExO Consultant. The Philippines also now as over 400 members of the OpenExO community based on the roster.
                        • Many of our clients have reported applying many of the ExO attributes in order to shift the trajectory of their businesses, and to overcome the disruption brought about by the pandemic.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • We don't have metrics from our clients to report at this time.

                        Watch their video

                        Xponential X-Ray

                        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
                        • Xponential is a young company focusing on foresight and exponential transformation. Several services have been developed for realisation such as Corporate X-Ray, Xponential media Channel, Acceleration programs, Executive Coaching
                        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
                        • We haven't implemented attributes, we started to measure them differently by adding a Y-axes addressing specific organisational contributors (in addition to ExO attributes)
                        What was the qualitative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                        • We are able now to get a better and more granulate view on a company and a better insight about their future readiness
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • A 4 quadrant model that positions a company as
                        1. scarcity/linear company;
                        2. abundance creator;
                        3. organisational optimiser;
                        4. future navigator. In addition, a description/report you as result

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                        De La Selle University Reseach Congress

                        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
                        • The client was one of the universities in the Philippines. The event was the De La Salle University Research Congress 2020. Their objective is to reach nationwide so many can benefit from the new learnings especially those from the remote provinces of the country. It is the first time they conducted an online Research Congress due to the COVID-19 pandemic limitations. The initial platform planned cannot address the current need. Given the objective and limitation of the initial solution. I moved them to a new platform, Zoom, and did FB Live and used community and crowd, and also engagements as one of the leading attributes to secure the attendance to the event and also exponential growth through the engagements of the audience. I played multiple roles covering IT support for the technical, moderator for the event, and facilitator for the forum discussion on “Innovation and Change”.
                        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
                        • A day before the event it showed that there was a challenge in the platform of choice due to its limitations. A new approach was recommended utilizing combination of solutions, platforms, social media, collaborations, community and crowd, engagements, et al. Below are highlights of the ExO Attributes used during the implementation:


                          • Staff on demand- The event was composed of both volunteers and limited no. of employees of the school. A total of less than 10pax.
                          • Community & Crowd – FB Page was optimized together with other platforms to maximize the reach from both local and international audience interested to participate and learn in the Research Congress. Zoom with FB Live was used to reach the target audience both local and international. Watch party was encouraged also to all participants especially in remote areas of the country.
                          • Leverage Assets- I provided Zoom with FB live for the 3 days event.
                          • Engagements- Gamification was utilized for their learning initiatives. The badge system was part of the FB Page setup. High energy engagements by the host and speakers encouraging audience participation helped increase the attendees for the event. Participants are encouraged to participate in the 3 days event.
                          • Interface -(User Interface) FB Page was optimized and encouraged participation from the attendees.
                          • Dashboard – FB analytics was used to monitor the three days event and also the performance.
                          • Experimentation - This is the first that the event was done online due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                        What was the qualitative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                        • Mindset Change- the team was open to new solutions and they welcomed the introduction and use of new platform technology, new methodology, and framework. This led to smooth transition and collaboration and great results were achieved by great camaraderie.
                        • New Ideas- They welcome new innovations to help achieve their target reaching more areas so many can benefit from the new learnings from the research.
                        • Inspiration- They aim to reach more people to contribute to the new learnings not only for Metro Manila but to reach farther areas in the Philippines.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • There were 1828 registrants for the event. The results of the Research Congress based on FB statistics reached 56,659 engagements for 3 days.
                        • The attendees and engagements came from 22 provinces in the Philippines and 4 countries from the US, Europe, and Asia excluding zoom participants.
                        • As reported, it was a record-breaker from the time of the inception of the event. It is an exponential growth

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                        Future Design Program - TEDxDanubia

                        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
                        • Future Design Program for Teenagers
                        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

                        Our Future Design Program for Teenagers aims to take action against future/climate anxiety. We selected 4 global problem areas that hold some burning challenges for the future and worked together with 220 teenagers and 35 mentors to solve these problems with an abundance mindset and by using ExO methods.

                        The ExO Attributes we leveraged are:

                        • Community and Crowd: We partnered with some organisations facilitating relevant communities to scale our reach fast. (Our partners include TEDxDanubia, the largest TEDx organiser in Hungary and the Blue Planet Foundation that has direct access to all the Schools of the country). With the help of our partners we reached 1500 schools withing a month after launch.
                        • We invited Staff on Demand mentors from all over Hungary to facilitate the work of teenager teams in the program. Mentors were volunteers, who invested significant amount of time in our program, partly out of their passion for the topic and partly in return for the initial training that we provided them prior to kick-off. We educated them about the future, exponential tech, mentoring skills and the challenge areas the program was focusing on. We worked with a group of 35 mentors.
                        • We used different Engagement techniques to keep the teams and mentors motivated throughout the program, giving them little tasks and inspirations regularly, so they kept working despite the challenges of home schooling.
                        • Teams worked in full Autonomy, having a mentor and an expert from the challenge area of their choice to advise them in case they needed input.
                        What was the qualitative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                        • First of all, 35 school teachers and 220 kids got exposed to future thinking, and the exponential mindset. This is huge.
                        1. Teachers in Hungary are working under really difficult circumstances... low salaries, heavy political control etc. Having the opportunity to participate in the program made them feel that they have a choice and they can take conscious action for the sake of their own and their student's future. The mindset change we observed in the mentor team, the level of excitement and dedication to engage and share their time generously with us and with their students was extraordinary.
                        2. Kids learnt new skills like backcasting, exponential thinking, some design thinking tools and simply loved the idea that they do not have to just sit around to watch how we mess up the planet and take their future away. Indeed we managed to make them feel empowered and relieved by the fact that they can make an impact and create the future they want to live in.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • revenue growth was not an objective
                        • cost reduction was not an objective
                        • 1500 schools got inspirations from us.
                        • 35 mentors and 220 students mindset transformed.
                        • 35 amazing initiatives were born.
                        • The 5 most promising initiatives will be presented in front the TEDxDanubia audience (a few thousand people) in September.
                        • The 220 kids and 35 mentors got invited to the conference by the sponsors of the event to get more inspiration about tackling climate change.

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                        SciFi Hive

                        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
                        • We've created a methodology that brings people together to dream bigger. We believe that the SciFi Hive process creates a mindset shift across an organization that allows them to be able to accept disruptive change. Only by shifting mindsets can you prepare an organization for the disruption that could come with an ExO Sprint.
                        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
                        • SciFi Hive brings communities and crowd together in a process that is extremely engaging.  We can bring together not just an organization but also its external stakeholders, it's community, etc... around a new future vision in a very short time. 
                        • Within the collaborative process, we teach participants about the disruption coming, about exponentials, and about using the attributes in the definition of their new future.
                        • Internally, the process incorporates community and crowd (global SciFi Hives), engagement (it's completely engaging), Autonomy (the process drives autonomous thinking), leveraged assets (we promote reimagining existing assets), interfaces (we're creating a new interface to run the process via subscription), dashboards (part of the engagement includes an exploration competition with a dashboard), social technologies (used as part of the process)
                        What was the qualitative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                        • Ever time we run the process we're able to shift mindsets of entire organizations and/or large groups of diverse peoples.
                        • These visions created inspire new ideas and collaborative efforts to realize the visions.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Every SciFi Hive we have run had resulted in at least 2 new intiatives for the organization we have worked with.
                        • We've helped other consultants shift the mindsets of the organizations that they're working with and have created many opportunities. In one example, the SciFi Hive resulted in 6 sprint initiatives with a large multinational organization.

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                        Xponential Media

                        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
                        • Xponential is a startup company and its activities are revolving round exponential transformation. We do that in three pillars: Learning & Development (Xponential Academy), Xponential Talks (Media) and Advisory/Coaching
                        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
                        • We are using the xponentialtalks media production to create awareness about exponential transformation.
                        • We do that by online conversations about this topic with thought leaders form around the world. Salim, Emily, were examples. But also people like Michio Kaku, Mark Esposito, Jerome Glenn, John Sanei, Raya Bidshahri, Rohan Roberts, Marshall Goldsmith, and 500+ more. That all is publicly available.
                        • We are in the talks with OpenExO to bring this to the community and using the media that OpenExo is already working on.
                        What was the qualitative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                        • All the conversations, webinars are future oriented and related to exponential transformation. The results/reviews of all the conversions were very highly rated. We see a lot of views on our videos.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Meanwhile > 100 videos including relevant information that can be used readily. The library is expanding rapidly and we are using it now to package content related to certain themes such as AI and ethics, leadership and immune systems, economy and exponential technologies.

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                        Exo Morocco

                        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
                        • Exo Morocco is a community aiming at empowering potential builders for a better Moroccan future for all. We launched 2 ExO sprints "for good" end of April 2021. One Exo sprint team is working on education and one on health services access in isolated places.
                        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
                        • Each Exo sprint has applied the Exo sprint approach with the support of Head Coaches (Karina Besprovan, Gerard Cepeda) et one coach per team (Silvia Ortiz and Yan-Erik Decorde. The project are still in progress and the launch session will be July 9.
                        • We should be able by this time to share the pitch deck of each idea.
                        What was the qualitative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                        • The objective was to make discover the ExO approach with a hands-on experience through a concrete and impactful project. The 15 active members of the ExO Morocco community have been able to pitch their ideas for impact before starting the Exo sprint and join their favorite topic and team. We will send a survey at the end of the Exo sprint (July 9th) to know how was the experience and to which extent they learned and enjoyed this transformative experience, while having a positive impact on Morocco.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • We are not here yet. happy to share later once the ideas developed within the sprint are implemented.

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                        How to Map the Future

                        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
                        • ''How to Map the Future' is a game system developed by 10X Arena (formerly known as 10X Labs) that facilitates strategic planning through highly gamified scenarios. It's business wargaming for the age of exponential change, available in a digital box.
                        • We nominate this toolkit in the open category because we have cracked the code on how to onboard novices to the game of exponentials. This opens the door for further ExO workshops, sprints and consulting work.
                        • Having launched and delivered three full-fledged ExO sprints within the course of 18 months we came to the realisation that client organisations were not equipped to handle the innovations that that were developed during our sprints. The executives lack the necessary context, language and imagery needed to see the value of what the teams proposed. In short, they were in need of a map to the many potential futures that their companies could use to navigate the decision space.
                        • So we made that. 'How to Map the Future' has reaped the silver lining of the pandemic in the sense that we have been able to play the game together with clients a lot more than had we been bound by analog means. Using Miro as the prototype platform of choice we have delivered more than 40 digital workshops since January, and have achieved product-market fit.
                        • 'How to Map the Future' looks and feels like a boardgame, rich with highly expressive game pieces and layered strategic information. It is a game that seizes upon metaphors to capture the essence of exponential change drivers. How do you express the unknowable impact of deep learning heading for the energy grid sector? We have a game piece for that.
                        • We believe that carefully designed games can make experts out of amateurs in a short space of time. The 'How to Map the Future' game system currently consists of three game modules that all require one full day to play. First, the players define what kind of vessel their company is. Second, they populate a map with data gathered from field studies about what changes are coming for them and their industry on a strategic level. Third, they zoom in on the map and place their vessel in the tactical areas they decide to innovate upon (using core or edge initiatives).
                        • 'How to Map the Future' is built to mobilise executives and decision makers to the exponential mindset so that they can demand and receive innovation both from within and outside their organisation. For us, it is the missing link between a successful ExO sprint and sustained innovation.
                        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
                        • We have built the 'How to Map the Future' game system around the ExO Attributes and other relevant frameworks. The S.C.A.L.E and I.D.E.A.S. attributes are present as game tokens that the playing teams use to express how they will respond to change forces and innovation opportunities. Furthermore, players act upon these opportunities using either Edge or Core initiatives - which are made manifest as different tokens with different rules.
                        • 'How to Map the Future' enables serious play. This makes it possible for executives that could potentially sponsor ExO Sprints to play out exponentially powered scenarios and become introduced to the ExO Attributes in a seamless way. Having gained this understanding makes them better equipped to both sponsor a Sprint and to be good custodians of its outcome.
                        What was the qualitative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                        • For our company, 10X Arena, the ExO model is a cornerstone of why we exist and how we do our work. The early beginnings of our organisation can be traced back to our first reading of the 'Exponential Organizations' book, and so we don't a before-moment prior to the ExO model. When the 'Exponential Transformations' handbook came out we seized upon it and delivered our first fully fledged ExO sprint later that year. It's safe to say that we live and breath the exponential mindset.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • 10X Arena is a consulting company built on the ExO framework, and we focus on workshops as well as sprints. To this date we have delivered three consecutive 10 week ExO Sprints to the same client (a regional energy and infrastructure company in Sweden). Since 2019, our revenue from this type of work has increased by approximately 40%. In addition and due to the pandemic we have developed a complimentary game system that can be played digitally, and this year this has come to generate six figure (USD equivalent) revenues on its own.

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                        Xponential FAB-W

                        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
                        • Xponential is a young company focusing on foresight and exponential transformation. Several services have been developed for realisation such as Corporate X-Ray, Xponential media Channel, Acceleration programs, Executive Coaching
                        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?
                        • This is about the Future Advisory Board - Women (FAB-W).
                        • The FAB-W is a high touch (digital) platform (at least during phase one of its development) which has the capability to match executive female professionals with companies. Companies, onboarded on the platform, are not restricted to size, type, revenues, etc.
                        • Women who have been onboarded, all met heavy criteria, which have been identified by women themselves.
                        • Examples of criteria are, board experience, self-confidence, creative, flexible in divergent and convergent thinking, critical thinking, courageous, oversight, mastering the art of listening and questioning.
                        • Indeed, the bar is high, and if you want to change the world the bar is always higher the further you get.
                        • The XFAB-Women platform includes more. It is an ecosystem that also acts as a breeding ground by training and development of new talents. These talents are holding higher to mid-level management positions at (large) companies. The company has to nominate candidates to join the program. Upon completion of the foundational program, we will guide and support the future ready certified women, to apply the refined capabilities to their organization, using the brainpower of the learning and development through the platform.
                        • This means that growing into future roles is not a lonely path anymore. Firstly because of the collective intelligence and experience available on the platform and network. Secondly, your certified colleagues are your allies. At a later moment in time, these leaders can become independent advisors for other companies as far as this meets the requirements with respect to compliance policies of their employer.
                        • An important part of the platform is the development of a deep understanding of the ExO attributes as well as other exponential dynamics, related to that, as part of the full package.
                        • The goal is to bring more diversity AND gender equality inside the board room. This new influencing feature also bridges the gap between the reality of the exponential dynamics outside a company with the reality of todays dominant linear thinking.
                        What was the qualitative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                        • Highly quality prepared female executives. Women who are already at C-Level as well as women at N-1 and N-2 management levels in companies (in-company development programs). All the women are equipped with lates thinking in exponential technologies, critical thinking, storytelling, ethics and exponential technologies, purpose driven organizations and how to get there, etc.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Women who sharing their experiences as executives in the platform, in addition to the program they are following and executed by female experts in the specific fields of the program. Matching algorithms will connect them with companies.
                        • This is a way to quickly bring more balance to the gender inequality at board levels as well as better decision making processes at board level

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                        Tell us about your company or the project you are working on:
                        • We are ACCIÓ, the Catalan Government’s agency for business competitiveness. It has a network of 40 offices worldwide and collaborates with public and private institutions working together for the transformation of Catalan companies.
                        • Catalonia Exponential is an initiative launched by ACCIÓ in January 2019 for the acceleration of the innovation economy in Catalonia. It is focused on connecting Catalan companies with international trends, exponential techs and new business models, and on exposing them to disruptive innovation methods, like the ExO Model, aiding them to disrupt themselves and their industries.
                        • This type of disruption that most companies face, of course, also affects government agencies, and that means agencies like ACCIÓ. We want to walk the talk. Therefore, this initiative brings together different actions, programs and resources aimed at Catalan companies, and it also involves implementing the ExO Model internally.
                        Describe in detail how have you implemented ExO Attributes?

                        ACCIÓ Sprint teams have worked with all the attributes (and so have our companies) and the ones we are focusing on now are:

                        • MTP: "Catalonia impacts the world".
                        • Community: Companies and organizations based in Catalonia as well as Catalan companies overseas are core to our Community and the focus of our efforts. Our community will also include other government organizations and business associations globally.
                        • Experimentation: ACCIÓ is leveraging this attribute particularly in launching different programs to help Catalan companies with disruption and innovation.
                        • Social: ACCIÓ is using different tools such as TEAMS to encourage collaboration and "working out loud".
                        • Dashboards: We are working on changing our measuring indicators to OKRs.
                        • And Engagement.

                        It’s beautiful to see that this is happening!

                        What was the qualitative impact implementing the ExO model made to your company?
                        • The main impact we have seen implementing the ExO Model internally (and the same applies to our companies) are:

                          • ACCIÓ's mindset has transformed from linear to growth and abundance. We stress these themes repeatedly when working with Catalan companies looking to innovate and disrupt. Understanding the ExO Model and other disruption frameworks has opened our minds to we can look for disruption and opportunities in other industries, other business models and from global trends. This is a new approach for ACCIÓ.
                          • The concept of "experimentation" and the ability to fail, learn and test again has improved our initiative and our culture.
                          • Team building: The ExO Sprint training helped people from different offices around the world to collaborate and learn. It strengthened our working relationships.
                          • Improved communication: We are speaking the same language in terms of innovation and disruption allowing us to better implement our programs and provide service to Catalan companies.
                          • Developing new skills: We are learning new concepts and ways to apply disruptive innovation to ourselves while aiding Catalan companies in this effort.
                        Bottom-line results and key metrics achieved as a result of implementing ExO:
                        • Key Results to date are:

                          • 2 Disruption Events (Exponential Days). In the 1st one held in BCN in July 2019 we had as Keynotes Salim Ismail (an Awake session to the Catalan business community) and Franciso Palao (to introduce the methodology), plus ExO Workshops for business leaders to understand the ExO Canvas.
                          • 4 employees of ACCIÓ being certified as ExO Coaches.
                          • Pilot program where 2 Catalan companies (SENER and INNOMADS - a group of SMEs in the real state sector) went through the first 5 weeks of the ExO Sprint led by ExO Coaches Diego Soroa and Matthias Schneider. 26 participants; 9 initiatives presented of which 6 are on-going.
                          • Internal training in 2020 at ACCIÓ by ExO Coach Ann Reilly where more than 40 employees in total went through the first 5 weeks of the ExO Sprint and applied the ExO Attributes to both Core and Edge initiatives. 13 initiatives presented (3 on-going) and a comunity of participants created.
                          • Diverse awake Sessions and ExO Workshops to more than 50 companies to work on their own ExO Canvas since 2019 led by Corina almagro, Francisco Palao and Diego Soroa. Some of these workshops were led by Edwin Moreno and involved 9 ExO Coaches (Corina Almagro, Soledad Llorente, Pepe Tam, Ann Reilly, Matthias Schneider, Paco Briseño, Luis Marriot, Edwin Moreno).
                          • More than 200 applications received at the Catalan Exponential Leaders programme to be recognised as the most disruptive companies.

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